Newlyweds, cementing their union with a legal marriage, dream of a happy life in love and harmony. The correct construction of family relations is the key to the success of the social unit of society.

Family members are the very people who will stay with a person always, no matter what happens to him, no matter what mistake he makes. These are the very people whom you can trust in the most difficult situations, when you cannot even rely on your closest friends.
For some, their parents or families of acquaintances and friends are an example to follow, someone seeks to prevent the mistakes that relatives and friends made, but everyone, of course, is united by one goal - a happy and prosperous family life. There is an opinion that newlyweds in newly-made families, willy-nilly, copy the relationship of their parents, but this does not always correspond to reality. There are many examples of situations where a child who grows up in an atmosphere of cruelty, misunderstanding and rudeness, growing up, becomes an ideal family man. However, there are also opposite situations, when a person who grew up in love, care and affection, in his new family appears as a tyrant and despot.
A family is not only a life together, raising children and solving everyday problems, but above all the relationship between spouses, children and their relatives. In family relationships, the most important factor is simple human communication, and regular, because its absence sometimes leads to the most unpleasant consequences.
In families where they value and respect each other, devote enough time to children, listen to the wise advice of relatives and friends, and most importantly, do all this with love, for everyone it is obvious that a strong, friendly family is the best thing that can be in human life.
It would seem that it could be easier than becoming happy, but on the way to happiness there are always thousands of "pitfalls" that make their own amendments to the life of the family. You cannot know them all, they are individual for everyone, because people are all different and behave differently in similar situations. But if the family was created on a solid foundation of sincere feelings, such as love, respect, patience, attentiveness, empathy, everything can be overcome. The main thing is that the family should be created by people who are psychologically ready for this.
To start a good relationship, you need to forget what deception is, and start building relationships on honesty and openness, then any reticence that causes a lot of quarrels will disappear.
We should not forget that reading minds is the lot of psychics and parapsychologists, and not of ordinary people who are nearby. Therefore, it is very important to reveal and explain your desires as much as possible, this will remove the problem of misunderstanding.