"Married" - Not The Most Attractive Thing In The World

"Married" - Not The Most Attractive Thing In The World
"Married" - Not The Most Attractive Thing In The World

Home, comfort, children, a caring husband are traditional values embedded in the subconscious of women by the centuries-old way of life of mankind. The desire for family life has been a natural desire and need of a woman from time immemorial. It was. But the world is changing, and more and more often there is a category of women for whom marriage is a heavy burden.

Free woman
Free woman

What is attractive to marriage, it would seem, everyone knows. And why is it not attractive? What do girls who do not want to wear an engagement ring and wedding dress think more and more often? How has it disappointed those who have once been there and therefore do not seek to tie the knot again?

Option one - career

Rationalism at all times has been a factor determining the behavior of women in society, and if earlier it was rational for women to get married as early as possible in order to gain a position in society and financial stability, now this choice is not always correct from the point of view of rationalism. The time has changed, and the ration factor has also changed. No, the consumer attitude towards men has not disappeared, and it will not disappear, but more and more women are attracted by something else - independence and complete freedom of action.

Now, to obtain status and financial independence, it is not so much a broad back of the husband that is needed, but a hard crust about higher education and a rapid career ladder. Combining education and career with family responsibilities is extremely tiring. Therefore, for many women it is psychologically more comfortable to leave family life "for later" and devote themselves to career growth, which brings both personal satisfaction and financial well-being.

Option two - disappointment

"Marriage does not attack, but if married do not perish" - such folk wisdom is often shared with unmarried girlfriends by those who have at least one experience of divorce. A banal truth, but no less true from this - all fairy tales about beautiful princes and princesses and their unearthly love end with a wedding because it is impossible to come up with a fabulous life further: life begins ordinary - with snoring at night, crying children, relationships with mother-in-law.

Taking out garbage and illness, household duties and differences in temperaments, characters, outlook on life, strange habits and gaps in the upbringing of those who become life companions for many years - all this is not always possible to overcome, not everything can get used to and get used to. Therefore, not all women are ready to sacrifice their own psychological comfort to achieve a mythical family idyll. After all, life already has enough problems.

Option three - it didn't work out

There may be a lot of reasons for "it did not work out", and so different and individual that it is difficult to imagine: from the banal - I did not wait for my one and only prince on a white horse, to - each next one will be definitely better than the previous one.

And loneliness is addictive, especially if a woman develops, and the men met on the way prefer to psychologically remain at the level of 13-year-olds, and intellectually get stuck at best in the times of their mature youth. And looking at such “stragglers” somewhere on a long journey, women are not ready to sacrifice their loneliness. Because … - yes: marriage is not the most attractive thing in the world. Especially when there is music, wine, chocolate, free sex and travel.

At the same time, one can always recall one wonderful advice of the heroine of the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" - if you really want to get married, there is a one hundred percent option: "You have to look for your husband in the cemetery."
