Women have different qualities: someone cooks deliciously, keeps the house clean and is distinguished by intelligence, while someone has large breasts, thin waist, long legs and a great sense of style, with which they masterly emphasize their beauty. Among this variety, men value not everything.

Step 1
Beauty, sex appeal, grooming are needed mainly to attract men at the initial stage. Later, when a serious love relationship is struck up, these qualities fade into the background, but they always remain significant. For example, one of the reasons for her husband's betrayal may be the unattractiveness of the companion, who waved her hand at herself after the wedding or the birth of children.
Step 2
Faithfulness and decency are highly valued by men. Flirting, frivolous behavior and cheating are extremely frowned upon by them and can cause a breakup. When a woman is honest, does not commit immoral acts and is faithful to her beloved, he, in turn, responds to her in the same way and even more - gives affection, care and attention.
Step 3
Respect for a man, his work, occupation and self-expression is of great importance for the stronger sex. They do not tolerate criticism, attempts to remake them, therefore they appreciate when women love and accept them for who they are. It is also important that the partner respects the family and friends of the chosen one: this is a generally accepted norm of behavior, but female jealousy can spread to the loved ones.
Step 4
Intelligence, education is valued much higher than it is commonly believed: a man wants a woman to be able to maintain a conversation and not look stupid. Communication and mutual intellectual enrichment is especially a priority for erudite partners. Even if the companion will stay at home with the children, theoretically she should be able to find a job in the specialty, preferably obtained at the university.
Step 5
A man will respect his darling for self-esteem: she takes into account her beloved, but does not bend under the opinion of others, completely surrenders to her partner, but does not lose herself. Self-sufficiency in a woman is also not in the last place - she should be weaker than a man, but not to such an extent that he would have to babysit like a child.
Step 6
One of the valuable feminine qualities is worldly wisdom, especially concerning everyday life and relationships with a man. For example, when you need to be silent, a wise woman will remain silent; when you need to speak, she communicates. The stronger sex appreciates when a companion adjusts to the mood, does not provoke conflicts, supports a man, is able to understand, forgive, not strain and not endure the brain.