How To Move In With A Guy

How To Move In With A Guy
How To Move In With A Guy

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Relationships must develop, and sooner or later the question arises between young people about the need to live together. Living together can both help you take a turn to a new level, and ruin your relationship. Therefore, you need to prepare for moving to the guy's house.

How to move in with a guy
How to move in with a guy


Step 1

In no case do not make such a decision alone and do not transport things to the guy without his consent. Even if he is madly in love with you, this behavior may be considered an encroachment on his freedom.

Step 2

However, you can use a feminine trick to speed up the sliding process. Gradually leave the things you need with the young man when you stay overnight - a toothbrush, a hair straightener, a home T-shirt. It is likely that the young man will get so used to the fact that some of the shelves are occupied by your belongings that he will accept the offer to move to him much easier.

Step 3

Most young people associate their beloved with warmth and homeliness. If you take care of the comfort of your beloved man, he will surely appreciate it and no longer want to return to an empty bachelor dwelling. However, if you decide to do a general cleaning in a young man's apartment, it is better to first consult with him. It seems to you that things are scattered, but for a guy this may be their ideal location.

Step 4

Each of you has your own habits and shortcomings. Someone leaves dirty dishes in the sink for the night, someone forgets to remove their hair from the comb, one is used to storing bread in the refrigerator, while the other always puts it in the bread bin. Such little things gradually accumulate and poison the lives of young people. You will have to make compromises. Before starting a life together, make a list in which you agree on what to whom you can do. For example, you let your boyfriend eat in bed, and he doesn't mind if you take a bath for a couple of hours a day and sing there.

Step 5

Have a heart-to-heart talk with the young man. Tell him that you would like to see him as often as possible, wake up with him in the morning, prepare meals for him and wait after work. If both of you are genuinely interested in living together, you will be able to handle any difficulties that arise.
