Turning the head of a young girl is a trifling matter. But what if you happen to fall in love with an older woman? It would seem that age is not a hindrance to love, but the wisdom that comes with life experience makes a woman be more careful in her feelings. In addition, the demands of an adult woman are higher: in order to win her heart, you have to surpass all the lovers who have been before.

- - love;
- - self-confidence;
- - dedication and perseverance.
Step 1
Prove that you are not a child. Why do women tend to choose older men? Because in their man they want to see support, support, protection. Wrinkles are by no means the only thing that comes to a person with age. Growing up, we acquire wisdom, responsibility, invaluable life experience. If you want to conquer a woman who is older than you, you must prove that there will be a mature man next to her, and not an irresponsible child.
Step 2
Find out what she expects from the relationship. With age, the biological clock starts ticking louder and louder, and at some point a woman can no longer ignore it. The desire to start a real family with a loving faithful husband and pink-cheeked toddler ceases to be just a vague fantasy or dream for her, but turns into a real vital necessity. Are you ready to give her what she needs? If not, is it worth breaking her heart in vain? But if you feel that you are ripe for family relationships, demonstrate to her your maturity and seriousness of intentions. She will definitely appreciate it.
Step 3
Take advantage of your youth. The assertion that a man can be considered beautiful if he is slightly more attractive than a monkey is a myth invented by ugly men in order to justify the shortcomings of their appearance. Your youth gives you a huge advantage - attractiveness. Use this weapon in full force: well-groomed, stylish, and besides, a young lover is the dream of many women.
Step 4
Be persistent without being intrusive. The construction of a woman's heart does not change with age, it is just that the degrees of protection for access to it are becoming more and more. Therefore, in an effort to win the heart of your adult chosen one, use all the seduction arsenal that you used to your young passions. Only you need to act with great skill: remember that you have to compete with all the men who were in her life before meeting you. Offer her something more - something that none of her lovers gave her.
Step 5
Love. Sincere and unconditional love is the most powerful weapon that no woman can resist. If your feelings are real, and your intentions are serious, sooner or later your chosen one will open her heart to you. Demonstrate your sympathy for her decisively: a woman wants to see next to her a confident person who can conquer her, and not a shy boy.