If A Man Is Much Older Than A Woman: 5 Pros And 5 Cons In A Relationship

If A Man Is Much Older Than A Woman: 5 Pros And 5 Cons In A Relationship
If A Man Is Much Older Than A Woman: 5 Pros And 5 Cons In A Relationship

Couples in which a man is much older than his chosen one are more and more common. What attracts a woman in such a relationship and what problems can she face later?

If a man is much older than a woman: 5 pros and 5 cons in a relationship
If a man is much older than a woman: 5 pros and 5 cons in a relationship


  1. With a man much older than yourself, you feel protected, like a stone wall. Material prosperity, stability, confidence in the future - this is the dream of any woman.
  2. You are impressed by the sexual experience of your chosen one, his courtesy, the ability to behave with dignity in society.
  3. One of the main female phobias - male infidelity - is dulled in such a relationship.
  4. You do not need to fanatically try to look younger than your age, you are already an "eternal girl" for your chosen one.
  5. You are attracted by the wisdom and life experience of an "adult" man. You can always count on valuable advice and help.


  1. The man will try to constantly control you, since you will forever remain for him a little girl in need of care. Perhaps he will teach you how to live, speak, act, dress, prepare food, etc.
  2. Sooner or later, you will be faced with a decline in your sex life. Male menopause is not a myth, but a reality. This is a serious disadvantage that you should think about before marrying a man 20-30 years older than yourself.
  3. You will probably know what the jealousy of an "adult" man is, fearing the competition of younger and stronger men.
  4. Your interests and hobbies can vary significantly, because you and your chosen one belong to different generations. It will take wisdom and benevolence from you so that these differences do not lead to serious conflicts.
  5. You are more likely to encounter a variety of health conditions that almost invariably accompany aging. You need to love and respect a person very much in order to be near, look after and help in any, even the most difficult situation.
