When Is It Time To Move The Child To A Separate Room

When Is It Time To Move The Child To A Separate Room
When Is It Time To Move The Child To A Separate Room

A nursery for a child is not just a room where he sleeps, plays, studies; the room where his things, toys and books are kept. This is his world, in which he feels himself not only a master, but also a creator. Of course, it is good when there is an opportunity to give the child a separate room, but this must be done on time.

When is it time to move the child to a separate room
When is it time to move the child to a separate room

From birth to one year

A newborn child is still too strongly connected with his mother, for him in the first months of life it is still too important to feel her breath, heartbeat, and smell. And the mother, after nine months of pregnancy, as a rule, is still not ready to separate from the baby. Therefore, the more time the mother and child spend in close proximity to each other, the calmer and more stable their emotional state will be, which means that the better the initial mental, emotional and physical development of the baby will be.

This is why it doesn't make sense to put a newborn in a separate room. Even if a mother uses a baby monitor to always hear her baby, she will not be able to instantly respond to the signals that the baby will give her. The baby, separated from the mother, will not feel comfortable, and for a woman, placing the child in a separate room will rather turn into a problem than give minutes of additional rest and peace.

From one to three

At this age, if a child needs a separate room, it is exclusively for games and developmental activities. During this period, it is quite reasonable to use the nursery as a special place in which it will be convenient and safe for the child to play, where his toys will be stored.

But even at this age there is no need to "evict" the child to a separate room. The baby's sleep can still be interrupted by feedings, especially if the baby is breastfed, and the baby's needs for personal space are not yet so great: he feels much more confident next to adults.

Three to seven

When the child turns three, the so-called "crisis of three years" sets in, when the child for the first time realizes himself as a separate person, begins to show independence. He has his first interests of his own, sometimes there is a need to retire. At this age, the child is already ready to master a separate room and perceive it as a personal space.

Three years is the minimum age when it is reasonable for a child to allocate their room. Of course, adults will still maintain order in it, organize the space at their discretion, but the older the child becomes, the more actively he takes part in this process, and this is normal. By school age, the child's room will already be perceived by him as a personal territory, and the intervention of parents in its improvement will be less and less welcome.

School age

The older the child becomes, the stronger his need for personal space is manifested, where he can study without interference, where he can invite friends, just be alone.

By adolescence, the need for a separate room becomes a necessity, and parents should find an opportunity to allocate a separate room for the child, even if this does not seem too easy. So, if the family lives in a one-room apartment, it would be reasonable to territorially designate the space in which the growing up person will feel like a master.
