Rare lucky people fall in love at school and carry this relationship throughout their lives. Most young people find their soul mate by trial and error. If a guy has lived all his life in one city, it is natural that his current passion has to periodically meet with his ex-girlfriends.

Step 1
Start by talking calmly with your man about his ex. Ask how he feels about her. Tell us what worries you. Together with the young man, decide whether it is worth communicating with her, and if not, how to tactfully tell the girl about it. Perhaps the young man himself would be glad not to see his former passion, or, on the contrary, he will calm you down by saying that all feelings are gone and they have remained just friends.
Step 2
Developing a strategy for dealing with your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend depends on what this girl is and what her intentions are in relation to your boyfriend. Perhaps the former lovers have maintained friendly relations. An adequate ex who values friendship will not provoke you into conflict or make hints about past relationships. She herself will try to create friendly relations with you, and you can support her in this.
Step 3
Don't compare yourself to your ex or think that she is better than you. Now the young man is dating you, which means that you are in a winning position. Repeat to yourself often how beautiful, smart and wonderful you are. In the presence of your boyfriend's former passion, behave calmly and with dignity.
Step 4
If you are just studying or working in the same institution with your boyfriend's former friend, polite ignorance is the best behavior. It also makes sense to pay extra attention to your appearance. If a former girlfriend has a quarrelsome character, she will certainly notice unwashed hair and sloppy manicure and will gladly discuss this with others.
Step 5
It's a completely different matter if your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is trying with all her might to bring the young man back. One of the options would be complete disregard, not only on your part, but also on the part of your beloved. When the ex notices that all of her tricks do not cause any reaction, most likely, she will get tired of this game.