In the life of every person there are meetings and partings, mutual feelings and unhappy love. The joys of love are taken by people for granted. With relationship difficulties and unrequited feelings, many don't know what to do. To make it easier to experience unhappy love, you should look at the situation from other angles.

Step 1
Bullet in a failed relationship. The end is the end, you need to make the decision of the chosen one and come to terms with him. Many people cling to their former loved ones for a long time: months or even years. This spoils their lives and the lives of those people whom they cannot forget.
Step 2
Don't keep the person close to you. If he has no feelings left, communication with him will no longer cause you any other emotions, except for bitterness and resentment. Appreciate yourself as a person. Do not humiliate yourself in front of your former beloved, threatening with certain actions in his direction. This is low and unworthy.
Step 3
Accept the choice of a loved one. Everyone has the right to act in life as the heart tells. If the former chosen one decided to leave you, he will do it. The best way out in your situation is to endure a difficult period when it seems that life is over and there will be no relief.
Step 4
Do not tune yourself into the fact that a bleak future awaits you, that you cannot find a better and more beautiful person than your former beloved. This is a deeply erroneous position. The person who left you seems so perfect to you, because you keep his good qualities in your memory.
Step 5
Think about all the flaws in your partner. After all, every person has them. Perhaps something extremely annoyed you in your beloved. You can even write down on a piece of paper all the advantages of your breakup and re-read them during the first time after the breakup.
Step 6
Use self-hypnosis. If depression after parting lasts longer, then you can seek help from a psychologist or try to tune yourself to the positive on your own. Repeat the following phrases to yourself as often as possible throughout the day:
- I am happy and contented with life;
- only that happens in my life that changes it for the better;
- I am strong, and I am not afraid of any problems;
- I attract love and happiness.
Step 7
Do not withdraw into yourself. Continue to live life to the fullest, chat with friends, be in the center of the action. This will distract you from sad thoughts and make you move forward.
Step 8
Think of unhappy love as a test of endurance that will make you stronger and more resilient. Departed feelings make room for new ones, perhaps brighter, more beautiful and long-lasting.
Step 9
Maintain your self-esteem. If you have to, due to circumstances, often meet with your former beloved, do not show him that you feel bad, and you suffer without him. This will only flatter the person, and will not diminish your suffering.
Step 10
Love yourself and experience the breakup with dignity. By giving up old feelings, you will soon find new love.