First love is always sincere feelings, tender kisses, touching dates. But nothing lasts forever under the moon - love also leaves. How to survive your first love?

Step 1
The first pain is always unbearably painful. After breaking up, it seems like the world has collapsed. Your only happiness has left you, and you are not destined to experience such emotions again. Believe me, time heals - emotions, joyful and sad events are erased from memory. And you are back in the ranks. It's important not to get hung up or unstuck; you should start by crying. Mild depression still cannot be avoided. So it is better not to keep it inside and thereby not aggravate your condition. Eat chocolates, lie on the couch, watch love melodramas and cry. But you should not delay with this, otherwise you will turn into a creepy nurse and crybaby.
Step 2
Keep yourself busy. Better go to sports - it always distracts from unnecessary thoughts. In addition, physical activity is very exhausting the body, and you simply will not have time to indulge in despondency. It is a sin to indulge in despondency when there are other sins.
Step 3
If you are dumped, then, for sure, your self-esteem has dropped and tends to zero. Don't look for reasons in yourself. You never know for certain what is going on in a person's head. You are who you are, and there is no need to kill yourself if someone else is preferred to you.
Pamper yourself. A change of image has a beneficial effect on the mood: repaint and cut your hair, buy a couple of new outfits for your wardrobe. A bath with sea salt and aromatic oils will relax you and breathe new life.
Step 4
Spend more time on yourself and don't be afraid of being alone. Cook yourself a fancy dinner or read an interesting book, watch your favorite movie. Now you can do whatever you please, within the framework of, of course, the Criminal Code. You are the owner of your life, you do not need to seek compromises with anyone. Enjoy being alone.
Step 5
If loneliness is not for you, and you feel like a mouse cornered, get a pet. Better a dog. Evening walks, feeding, visiting the veterinarian and other minor worries will take up a lot of your time, which you could spend on regretting the bad experience of first love. Another clear plus: you will be provided with sincere love and a charge of positive energy. You will feel a sense of your own importance, importance and need, which you will clearly miss after the breakup.
Step 6
If all the attempts you have made are unsuccessful, then you should seek help from a qualified psychologist who will look for opportunities and methods to get rid of depression and blues at a deeper psychological level. You can also always talk to your mother, who will always understand, surround you with warmth and care and give valuable advice. If you are an advanced blogger, you can ask for help and advice on various forums, on social networks and in other similar Internet resources.
Step 7
First love is a wonderful feeling that inspires us and turns the world upside down. Don't be isolated. Do not be embittered by the whole world, because it is so beautiful. Remember only good things. Be glad that this person was in your life, that he taught a lot. Fate will not keep itself waiting long - it will send a new, bright one. love full of charm and emotion.