As they say, the first love is the most sincere, disinterested, very strong. Such feelings are never forgotten. It happens that a person wants to return the first relationship in order to experience emotional thrill and romance again. How to do it?

Step 1
If you haven't been in close contact with "first love" for several years, keep in mind that people change. This applies to both you and your partner. And it's not so much about appearance as about character, thoughts, outlook on life. It is possible that the partner has changed so much that now it is not possible to recognize a previously beloved and delightful person in him. This does not mean that it has become worse or better. We tend to idealize people in our thoughts, ascribe to them the desired traits and style of behavior. In reality, things often go wrong.
Step 2
The most important thing you have is your memories. Feelings, emotional experiences, romantic moments experienced together once remained not only in yours, but also in his memory. When communicating with a person from the past, you often say to each other: "Do you remember?" If you decide to get closer to your first love, rely on the emotions you once experienced, a joint experience. Something seemed very difficult then, the situations could be incomprehensible and upset you. Now you can talk about it with ease. From the height of experience and years passed, you are more likely to experience youthful delight and surprise, rather than embarrassment or annoyance.
Step 3
The past is just the smallest thing to start a relationship. Learn about the person, as much information as possible: how he lives, what he does, hobbies, dreams and thoughts. Look for things in common so that the couple can push off from the past and start moving into the future. If this is your person, then the relationship will develop easily, and you will be interested in each other.
Step 4
Think about what attracts you to a relationship from the past? Romance? Sincerity? Adventures? Passion? Try to re-implement what you once did together. Track your feelings: did you manage to experience what you wanted? If so, you are successfully developing a relationship. If not, you may be dreaming. Very often, a person mentally returns to the past, because he is not comfortable in the present. We idealize the ex-partner, compare it with the one who is nearby. It seems that if in youth there were more prudence in the head, everything could be different, happier, more effective. But these are only guesses that have nothing to do with reality. You cannot enter the same river twice. Also with relationships. It is impossible to recreate what was several years ago. These are just attempts to revive something like that. In any case, it will be a different relationship and, possibly, a new bright love.