Over time, people get used to each other, and the relationship loses its original charm. Falling in love cannot last a very long time, and in fact it is what they usually mean when they ask themselves how to return their old love. This is possible, although it will require relationship work.

Step 1
You need to know that you can return the intensity of feelings, not their quality. After all, the joy of recognizing a person at the first stages of acquaintance cannot be experienced again. Of course, if you develop intellectually, you will be interesting to your beloved for many years. And this is the key to true deep friendship, which is the basis for strong love. To be interesting, you need to read serious fiction more often. Moreover, one can study the psychology of relationships from classical literature just as well as from textbooks. So read more, take the time to do it.
Step 2
Try to change your appearance. Ideas can be found not only in fashion magazines, but also in old movies. Clothes in vintage style will look especially interesting. Any change of image will attract the interest of a loved one to your inner world. Be prepared to receive more attention.
Step 3
Try to change your behavior. Consistency is convenient, but soon becomes boring. And your attitude towards a man should become contrasting - you either pay a lot of attention to him or ignore him altogether. Sometimes they are hot and passionate, sometimes they are cold and self-absorbed. Either you rejoice and joke, then you are thoughtful and sad. However, the time spent in a certain mood should not be more than one day, so that there is no addiction. Let your loved one not be sure that he won you over, play on contrasts to make him worry. Let men flirt with you in front of his eyes - and you behave with restraint. This will wake up the owner in him and make his feelings brighter. After all, if there is a great demand for a loved one, it means that it is worth fighting for it. The feeling will flare up with renewed vigor.