"You can't be cute by force" - this is a bitter, but accurate saying has been known since ancient times. Sometimes it happens like this: one person is passionately, with all his heart, in love, but does not meet reciprocity. For example, a guy loves a girl, looks after her, and she stubbornly treats him or is indifferent, or just like a friend, and in the worst case, with outright dislike. The reasons may be very different, but this does not make it easier for an unrequited lover. How can a guy survive non-reciprocal love?

Step 1
"I didn't really want to!" Didn't you reciprocate? Instead of tormenting and harassing yourself, grin condescendingly: “It would be something to worry about. I didn’t appreciate it - it’s worse for her. She will regret it later, but it will be too late! " In a word, try to become like the same fox from the fable, which, not reaching the bunch of grapes, snorted: "And he is still green!", And left with an indifferent look.
Step 2
"Fight fire with fire". Remember: the opposite sex is not limited to the subject of your unrequited passion. You just need to look closely, and you will surely see that some girl is showing a clear interest in you. Respond to this impulse. Who knows, maybe this is your destiny?
Step 3
"Whatever God does, everything is for the best!" Try to console yourself with the thought: it is not yet known how our romance would end if she reciprocated me. Strain your memory. You must have heard sad stories about how your beloved girl spoiled the life of a young man with her jealousy and hysteria. She literally did not allow him to step, demanding an account: where he was, what he did. Imagine yourself in the place of this poor fellow, and you want to exclaim: "Thank God that I kept my freedom!"
Step 4
"Down with rose-colored glasses!" Did the girl seem to you almost an angel in the flesh? Did you see only virtues in her? So it's because you were head over heels in love with her. Now spur your fantasy by looking at the subject of your undivided passion more calmly and objectively. Try to see the "double bottom" in the merits. She studied well, was she an excellent student? It is clear - a potential "blue stocking". Has everyone praised her culinary skills? Well, that means that she is not capable of anything else, so she stuck out for hours at the stove. She has a flawless figure, classic sizes: 90 - 60 - 90? One can imagine at what cost she got it. Surely every carrot was weighed, counting calories, and you would have been forced to eat in the same way. Or, on the contrary, is she a little chubby? Ooh, it's scary to imagine how she would have been blown up in a few years or after the birth of her first child!