Unfortunately, cheating is quite common these days. Moreover, not only men cheat on women, but also women cheat on men. What to do in this case? How to get over it? To forgive or not? Each deceived spouse answers such questions himself.

Step 1
However, first you need to try to calm down. Anger is not the best counselor in difficult situations. Try to take a break, think carefully about why the betrayal happened. Psychologists say that the reasons for cheating in men and women are different. Representatives of the strong half of humanity often do not attach much importance to casual sex on the side, they perceive it as a sport. They can cheat on their wife even if she suits them in everything.
Women are another matter. If they decide to cheat, it means that in many cases their husband himself pushed them to this. The reason for female infidelity may be his prolonged inattention, lack of support and support, unmanliness. Wives often cheat when they find out about the same sins of their husbands. They do it in revenge.

Step 2
When you've thought it over, talk to your wife calmly. Surely she will explain to you why this happened. And you will make certain conclusions for yourself. You have to make a tough decision: stay together or separate. Whatever you choose, it will be hard anyway.
Even if the marriage can be saved, the relationship will have to be rebuilt. This is not easy, especially since there is no more trust. However, you must firmly realize: are you ready to live on without this woman, or can you give forgiveness for the sake of a joint future. If you decide to stay together, try not to return in thoughts and conversations to what happened, do not reproach your wife. Otherwise, you will not be able to glue the broken cup.

Step 3
Of course, it is impossible to prevent yourself from feeling pain. However, try to look for reasons in yourself, to change - yourself and with your wife. Constructive dialogue is very important. You must learn to discuss emerging problems, not to be silent, to solve everything mutually. Then none of you will feel alone. You will be together. And, therefore, in order to feel needed by another, you do not need to change.