Schooling is one of the most important stages in a child's life. However, problems associated with the assimilation of knowledge, teachers and other children can not only discourage a student from learning, but also cause stress and depression. The responsibility of the parents in this case is to help their child overcome difficulties in school.

Step 1
Learning difficulties for a student can arise for various reasons. One of the most common is a child's disorganization. Such a student constantly forgets textbooks, exercise books, physical education, etc. He goes to school sleepy and often confuses homework. The result is teacher comments, poor grades, and unwillingness to learn. The only way to correct the situation is to introduce a daily routine and strictly control its implementation until the child begins to do it himself.
Step 2
Do not force the student to study only "excellent". If he has average ability, your persistence will only lead to stress and a nervous breakdown. To solve problems with academic performance, develop a child's memory, purchase games with a learning effect and stimulate intellectual development, read books together and discuss what you read, try to interest him in research activities. If possible, teach lessons with your child, but do not prompt, but help him find the right solution himself.
Step 3
Conflict with the teacher is another common problem during teaching. If your student does not have a relationship with the teacher, you need to find out the reason for this first with the child, and then talk to the teacher. The best solution to this situation is to admit their mistakes by the guilty party and apologize. But in life, unfortunately, this is not always the case. If the conflict becomes protracted, and the intervention of the school psychologist and the principal does not help, the solution may be to transfer the child to another educational institution.
Step 4
If your child has bad relationships with peers, teased or ignored him, this indicates poor social adaptation in the children's team. To overcome this difficulty, you need to identify the reason for this attitude towards your child. Aggressive and boastful children, crybabies, slovens, sneaks, etc. often become outcasts in a team. Sometimes the reason for ignoring is not so obvious - the child may simply be too shy and therefore uninteresting for others.
If you want to help your student achieve social fulfillment, it is necessary to develop appropriate skills. Visit friends - the way the child learns to be friends and communicate by your example. Invite peers of your son or daughter to visit. If your kid is being teased at school, remove nicknames and teach your child to ignore the bully.
Step 5
Teach your child the secrets of social success. Those with whom it is fun and funny become popular in any team. Encourage the child to develop a sense of humor. This will help him not only in school, but also in adulthood. The second secret of social success is the willingness to help, sensitivity and attention to others, the ability to work in a team. To develop these qualities, create in your family a culture of mutual help, selflessness, compassion and altruism, and show by your example the importance of being kind to people. Teaching your child to integrate quickly and easily into a team is the third secret of social success. To do this, you need to be able to find common interests with the members of the group, to be affable and friendly yourself, to be able to find the same person in the team and make friends with him.
Step 6
Enjoy even the smallest successes of your student and do not compare him with other students. Do not skimp on praise, smiles, words of encouragement. If your child is consistently supported and loved by their parents, their anxiety will decrease and their academic performance, curiosity, and friendliness will increase.