Modern first graders usually already know how to read. Parents try to teach their child to read and the sooner the better. But children come to school with different levels of training. And if, while reading, the child does this, skipping or replacing letters, does not understand the meaning of what he has read, swallows the endings, does it very slowly, then it is necessary to sound the alarm.

Step 1
Ask a speech therapist for help. If the articulation apparatus is not sufficiently mobile, i.e. lips, tongue, lower jaw move inconsistently, pronunciation is indistinct, then the reading speed will be low. The speech therapist will help to identify the exact causes of violations and will be able to correct them.
Step 2
The teacher will help you identify the nature of the difficulties. When examining the reading skills of a child, it is necessary to take into account the individual-typological, age characteristics, as well as the possibilities of reading. The survey should take place using texts from the school curriculum. At the same time, attention is paid to: the correctness of reading - the placement of stress, errors in the endings of words, replacement or omission of letters, syllables, words, prepositions, inconsistency of adjectives with nouns; the pace or speed of reading the text - should be close to colloquial speech; expressiveness - emotional reading with the correct placement of logical stresses. The requirement for expressiveness is presented when the student reads with whole words already fluently, and not at the stage of post-word reading. After reading, assignments and questions are asked that will help to identify the understanding of the meaning of the read. Mindfulness of reading is a very important component of the skill that requires testing. If the student does not have the skill of reading, then you need to try to determine whether he can add syllables from letters, and syllables into words, read them, and in general, whether he knows individual letters. For this purpose, you can use the letters cashier.
Step 3
A psychologist will help you determine the difficulties in learning to read, who can test the child and identify deviations in the development of basic mental processes. It is very important for the learning process to read a sufficient level of development of attention, memory, orientation in space, speech and hearing. Based on the test results, the specialist will give you recommendations for the development of lagging functions.
Step 4
Neuropsychological diagnostics will help you to more accurately identify the reasons for the difficulty in teaching a child. Based on its results, a reliable conclusion can be drawn about the level of development of mental functions: memory, tactile, auditory and visual perception, attention, speech, spatial representations, thinking, voluntary regulation and self-control. All these processes are basic and determine the success in teaching a child at school. Based on the results of the study, a neuropsychologist will conduct a consultation, during which he will explain in detail the diagnostic results, give general recommendations and outline corrective work, taking into account the personal and physiological characteristics of the student.