In the life of many parents, there comes a time when they are faced with the contradictions of the child. Literally for everything you will hear: “No”, “This is mine”, “Leave me alone”, “I don’t want”, “I will not”. This is the period when the child is experiencing mental stress, and your task, as a parent, is to help the child cope with contradictions without harming the child's mental health. What happens in the soul of a child?

Know that the very moment has come when the child wants to show his individuality. He feels its presence, but does not understand how to express himself and, as a result, cannot control his emotions. In addition, the teenager now needs some independence and independence, which he is afraid of for fear of being lonely and unacceptable. Also, in the child's imagination, the world around him is ideal, but when he begins to look at it with his own eyes, he sees many inconsistencies that lead him to bewilderment. Of course, such sensations will not sit inside for a long time, gradually pouring out in the form of contradictions.
What to do?
The most important thing is not to panic. Remember that inconsistency is one of the obligatory periods of life, which will soon end anyway. The main thing is that the result is positive. Your task is to help the child as quickly as possible to come to victory over himself and to realize that the contradictory nature of the child is not caused by his bad character, which is too late to change.
Do not push the child away from yourself when he is in this period, but, on the contrary, try to spend as much time with him as possible, challenge him to equal and frank conversations about emotions and feelings. Let the child tell you everything. Also try to share your feelings yourself, talk about your reactions and experiences to what is happening.
These conversations will benefit the child and be a lesson and stress relief. He will understand that he is not alone in this world, that he has parents and friends who can always help.