Making love in a car - this idea comes to mind not only for young boys and girls, but also for married couples. Diversity in sexual life is beneficial to long-term relationships, as it evokes new strong feelings and emotions of partners for each other. What is the right way to make love in a car to get maximum pleasure?

Step 1
Of course, the car is designed for movement, and not for lovemaking, therefore, at first glance, it may seem that making love in it is not very convenient. But with a strong desire, this is feasible. Moreover, if on the road you are seized by passion, then you can not wait for the moment when you can retire in the bedroom, but please each other by stopping the car somewhere in a secluded place. If you are in the city, then your passion will fuel the fear that someone will notice you. If you are out of town, then it will be very romantic - making love in a car in the middle of forests or fields, or on the shore of a lake.
Step 2
If you plan in advance that you want to have sex in the car, prepare it for this - it is best to clean inside the cabin so that no extra objects and debris on the seats interfere with your relaxation and enjoyment. It will be very good if for such an occasion you take a soft blanket with you to cover the seats or the hood with it for convenience during lovemaking.
Step 3
Think about your outfit as well. It is not very convenient to unbutton and take off jeans and trousers inside the car. Therefore, the best clothes for an erotic evening in the car is a short skirt or dress. Your partner can be turned on by erotic fishnets and the lack of underwear that you can take off from yourself in the car.
Step 4
Any sex, even unplanned sex, must be safe. If you want to surrender to the impulse of passion and make love in the car, always carry condoms with you.
Step 5
Make sure you have basic personal hygiene products on hand - at least wet wipes and a bottle of water. After sex I want to freshen up and just drink water.
Step 6
Do not forget about personal safety when making love in the car - put it on the handbrake. And in no case repeat dangerous moments from erotic films - do not have sex while driving and do not drink alcohol while driving. The first can lead to disastrous consequences, and the second - to the deprivation of a driver's license.