How To Get Your Child To Sleep

How To Get Your Child To Sleep
How To Get Your Child To Sleep

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Some children sleep very badly: the process of falling asleep is long, and the quality of sleep is poor. The use of most sedatives of synthetic origin is contraindicated, but no one has canceled herbal treatment and other ways to improve sleep. But if the child has an allergy, then it is better to consult with a specialist and then proceed with the procedures.

How to get your child to sleep
How to get your child to sleep


Step 1

More often than not, sleep problems appear in those children who do not have a daily routine. Try to stay awake and asleep. To stabilize sleep in this way, put your baby to bed at the same time. After a short period of time, sleep should return to normal and its quality should improve somewhat.

Step 2

If this does not help, observe the child and notice under what circumstances he falls asleep most badly. Some children, after severe overwork, cannot sleep. Do not play active games with your baby in the evening. If this method helped you, then follow this simple rule and everything will be fine.

Step 3

Special baby bathing products are on sale, which contain essential oils with a calming effect. Bathe your baby in warm water before bed using a special shower gel and bubble bath. Sleep returns to normal in 7-10 days with regular use of these funds.

Step 4

If sleep is not normalized by basic remedies, give your child herbal sedatives. Valerian root and motherwort are suitable, you can buy ready-made syrups in pharmacies. But still, you can not give the baby such drugs without consulting a pediatrician. If the doctor gave you the appropriate instructions, do not expect a significant result on the same day, herbs are very slow to act. After 15-20 days, observe the child, if there is no improvement, this should alert.

Step 5

When all else fails, see a psychiatrist. This should not scare you, many babies are born with slight deviations in the functioning of the nervous system. Problems often arise due to poor ecology, nutrition and lifestyle of parents. After diagnosis and testing, your baby will be prescribed medications that will correct sleep. If a child is prescribed a course of treatment, this does not mean that he is unwell or has mental disabilities, it is just that he has a malfunction of the nervous system. In the near future, the baby's sleep will return to normal.
