The harmony of family life is achieved largely due to the woman's ability to provide her companion with comfort and coziness, and delicious and varied food is an integral part of a man's good mood. But it's not so easy to find a balance between a limited family budget, the need to stand at the stove all day long and the desire to please your husband with delicacies.

Even inexpensive dishes can be made tasty and varied, the main thing is desire. Of course, before embarking on culinary experiments, it is better to carefully find out from your husband his preferences, and most importantly, antipathies in food.
Simple dishes with variations
As a rule, a man is busy with work and at home he can eat once or twice a day, which simplifies the task a little. In any case, it is worth focusing on the fact that breakfast contains more "long" carbohydrates, which are gradually absorbed, saturating the body and providing strength for the day. In the evening meal, the protein component should prevail, and lunch can be mixed.
Simple and inexpensive dishes are easy to create based on a specific side dish. For example, buckwheat, rice, potatoes. To them, you can add frying onions with grated carrots (such an additive goes well with many dishes), you can make a sauce (in the absence of experience, the simplest one is on a sour cream or mayonnaise base with spices) with or without herbs. Stewed or fried mushrooms would be a good addition.
For a man to be really happy with the food, at least a small piece of meat must be present on the plate, of course, if your companion is not a vegetarian. Meat cooked in different ways also greatly changes the taste of the main course. The same chicken can be fried, stewed, simmered with cheese and tomatoes, mixing different spices and aromatic herbs.
The ideal solution is to add a little fresh vegetable salad to the dishes: there are many variations here for every taste and budget. In addition to the obvious benefits (fiber enters the body with vegetables), salads change the general perception of the taste of a dish and its appearance. If it is not possible to urgently go for fresh vegetables, and lunch needs to be served within an hour, you can put some canned peas or corn on the edge of the plate, seasoning it with a suitable sauce.
The combination of side dish / meat / salad can be varied almost indefinitely, choosing the ingredients depending on your preferences. Twice a week it is useful to replace meat with fish in this scheme. If possible, devote one day to experimenting with the preparation of any unusual dishes found on the Internet or spied on from friends. And do not forget about borsch and pilaf, sacred for many men!
A little trick
In addition to the main content of the dish, it is very important in what form it is served. Spending a little time decorating the plate will make even the most ordinary food taste a lot better. For example, a cucumber can be cut into thin slices, folded from them like a flower, or simply laid out on the edge of a plate. Tomato halves are easy to put on hard-boiled peeled eggs or small potatoes, depicting mushrooms, etc.