Even strong brutal men need tenderness and support from their second half. There are several phrases that a woman should say to her chosen one every day.

It is generally accepted that only the fair sex is in need of compliments and pleasant words. In fact, men really need them too. Some phrases really inspire young people, make them happier, allow them to achieve more in life and build truly harmonious relationships with their significant other.
I love you
It may seem that this is too banal a phrase that lovers already constantly say to each other. In reality, over time, she passes away from the life of a couple. A conviction arises: why talk to each other about love, if it is already clear? This is a very big mistake in a relationship.
Every person needs words of love. Men also want to be sure that the other half is next to them not out of habit or for some other reason, but because of sincere strong feelings. It is important for them to regularly hear declarations of love.

Of course, you should not constantly go after the chosen one and repeat the same phrase. So it can lose its value. But you can start some kind of interesting tradition. For example, every day before going to bed to say to a man: "From now on I love you even more, because … for the fact that …". This tradition will bring the couple closer and add the missing moments of tenderness to the relationship.
You will succeed
Another very important phrase for every man is one that demonstrates the girl's confidence in him, in his success, the ability to achieve her own, the ability to achieve her goals. If the other half is convinced that the young man will succeed and regularly speaks about it sincerely, he himself will feel an even greater surge of strength, inspiration and will less likely to encounter doubts that corrode from within.
It is especially important to say motivating phrases (“You can do everything”, “You will achieve your goal”, “You will succeed”) during the period when a man starts a new project. For example, he starts his own business or changes jobs. An excellent addition to them will be the words: "I am always ready to help you", "If anything, I am there", "You can count on me."
I am happy next to you
Even the most self-confident representatives of the stronger sex from time to time think about how good the soulmate is with them. And they even try to figure out if the beloved has any thoughts that it could be better with another man.

So that such thoughts do not interfere with the building of relationships and do not poison the life of a young man, a woman just needs to memorize a few important phrases and regularly speak to their chosen one. For example, how good she is with him, how happy and satisfied she is with her present.
Let's do …
Often, the fair sex completely gives the initiative in everything into the hands of a man and only expect proposals and actions from him. Young people are always very pleased if a girl is also interested in the quality of their life together.
For example, you can daily offer your loved one some new interesting entertainment, come up with ways to at least slightly diversify your everyday life, treat him with an unusual dish, show frequently visited places in the city from an unusual perspective. Men really like the initiative from their beloved in bed. They will not mind hearing from the chosen one and suggestions on how to make their life better - to earn more, to have better rest, to spend time more fun and exciting.
I will be there, no matter what
This is one of the main phrases in the life of every couple. Almost any person in the depths of his soul is afraid that the second half is next to him exclusively until the moment when he is doing well - with health, finances, plans for the future. Especially such fears are characteristic of men.

If a girl regularly tells her chosen one that she is ready to stay close "both in sorrow and in joy", he will be able to feel much more confident and calmer. This also applies to couples who have recently been in a relationship, and even spouses who have lived together for many years.
The five phrases posted above are worth taking note of for every woman. Even if it seems that everything is fine in the couple's relationship and the man does not need support. They will make your life together happier, more calm, harmonious.