15 Embarrassing Things Every Woman Does

15 Embarrassing Things Every Woman Does
15 Embarrassing Things Every Woman Does

Etiquette and norms of behavior in society impose many restrictions. This is especially true of the fair sex, who simply cannot afford to look ridiculous and unpleasant. However, there are many shameful things that a woman does very often and prefers not to tell anyone about it.

15 embarrassing things every woman does
15 embarrassing things every woman does

Shave your legs only where you can see

The girls' excuses in this case are ironclad. First, the hair grows more slowly on the thighs, so why shave it off too often? Secondly, in some areas, the hair is less noticeable. As a result, you can often see a situation when a girl walks in a summer dress, her calves and legs are absolutely smooth, and there is a delicate fluff on her legs above the knee.

Hate other people's children


There is a stereotype that a woman should be touched by all children in a row and love most of them. In fact, everything is not so: other people's children can cause not only irritation, but also outright hatred. However, it is impossible to admit this to others, since the condemnation will be too strong.

Wearing the same bra for several days

It is recommended to change and wash underwear every day - this is a basic rule of hygiene. If this rule most often works with the lower part of the underwear set, bras can be worn for weeks without washing - in this, alas, many women do not see anything critical.

Digging into your partner's phone


Women are more curious about their nature. And when it comes to catching your spouse or lover of infidelity, the moral side of the issue will easily fade into the background. It will often be easier for a woman to "sink" to reading someone else's correspondence than to torment herself with guesses and wind up the situation.

Lie about shopping prices

In this case, it all depends on the goal. If you put savings on a new handbag, the husband does not need to know its exact cost; it is better to downplay the scale of the disaster. But if you want to show off a branded sweater in front of your girlfriend, the price can be "tripled" in order to prove that you can afford it!

Hide the number of intimate partners

“Whoever is not the first with us is the second with us”: this hackneyed saying is not devoid of wisdom. If you have a serious relationship with a man, it is not at all necessary to tell him about all your previous whirlwind romances. It is enough to tell about one ex-boyfriend - of course, making a comparison not in favor of the latter.

Retouch your pictures

“It seems, but not to be” is a very sad tendency in recent years. The number of various applications for photo correction has led to the fact that both a schoolgirl and a pensioner can cope with improving their own picture. As a result, most of the feeds on social networks amaze with the monstrous scale of retouching, and the characters in photoshopped photos can hardly be recognized in everyday life.

Examine the discharge on your hygiene products

Perhaps this fact sounds disgusting, especially for the stronger sex, and even a rare woman confesses to such an occupation. However, from a medical point of view, there is nothing shameful in this, moreover, this habit is useful. In a huge number of cases, this is how a disease can be detected in time. If the nature, color or intensity of the discharge changes significantly, this is a signal to run to the doctor.

Simulate an orgasm

This option is almost inaccessible to a man and therefore gives a woman a tremendous advantage. Fatigue, the desire to quickly complete the process, the unwillingness to offend a partner - there can be a lot of reasons for simulating an orgasm. The main thing is that women are so skillfully coping with this trick that it is almost impossible to catch them in a lie, because a man least of all wants to be deceived in this particular situation.

Pretending to be sick to avoid sex

In order not to fake an orgasm, you can do an even simpler thing: fake a mild illness in order to avoid sex altogether. Severe migraine, abdominal pain, an attack of osteochondrosis - you can invent any ailment without obvious symptoms. To delve into the psychological roots of such manipulations is a difficult task, and not every man has a desire to understand this.

Hide that you have eaten alone

To buy a whole cake, pizza or a package of junk food and eat it alone - it is impossible for a woman to confess such a sin. So close to the status of a glutton or a lady with an eating disorder. It is much easier to indulge in food debauchery alone with yourself, secretly from everyone.

Cunning with your appearance

The arsenal of female "tricks" in the field of beauty is no longer limited to false eyelashes and hair extensions. Shapewear, voluminous bra pads, imitation of hard nipples - these are just a few of the tricks that the fair sex uses to mislead men. Although it would be much more honest to put your body in order.

Discuss the intimate details of a man


The claim that men are less talkative is fundamentally wrong. It is worth working in a men's team to make sure that men's chatter sometimes has unimaginable proportions. But we must pay tribute: men rarely discuss their current intimate relationships, if they are serious. That is, discussing a stormy night with a stranger is easy, but the details of sex with his wife are not for anything. Women, on the other hand, can do this constantly, in detail and frankly.

Hide watching porn

Your man might not like it. This can shock not only the mother, but also the girlfriends. It so happened that watching porn is considered inappropriate for a woman, so many people prefer to hide this fact.

Trying cosmetics in someone else's bathroom

It would hardly occur to a man in someone else's bathroom to pay attention to any bottle, with the exception of liquid soap. A woman, secretly from the hostess, can not only open and smell all the jars of cosmetics, but also try something on herself.
