How Spouses With Different Temperaments Get Along

How Spouses With Different Temperaments Get Along
How Spouses With Different Temperaments Get Along

Sanguine and melancholic. This is one of the most harmonious relationships. They are both completely satisfied with their marriage and are considered the perfect couple. The family life of a melancholic and a sanguine person proceeds in a measured and conflict-free manner.

How spouses with different temperaments get along
How spouses with different temperaments get along

Choleric and sanguine. These spouses often struggle for power and vie with each other in everything. Everyone insists on their own and it is difficult for them to reach a compromise, so one of them has to put up with the decision.

Melancholic and phlegmatic. Not always satisfying, but quite stable relationship. But, despite the difficulties, the phlegmatic and the melancholic are able to establish positive relationships in the family.

Choleric and melancholic. Such a couple has a very difficult relationship. Both spouses are vulnerable, intemperate in their statements and behavior. They go through all conflicts very hard and consider their pride hurt. This combination of temperaments gives rise to a difficult relationship.

Phlegmatic and sanguine. These people are very close emotionally, but this does not relieve them of conflicts. The couple often sort things out with varying degrees of success.

Same temperament. Such relationships are considered the most difficult of all. Very often breakups and divorces occur both at the early stage of a relationship and after several years of marriage. It is not for nothing that there is an opinion among the people that opposites attract, and similar ones, on the contrary, repel.
