Jealousy is one of the most unpleasant and destructive emotions, which sometimes destroys relationships, families and even leads to tragedies. But jealousy can and should be fought.

Jealousy and awareness of its causes
To help someone get rid of jealousy, it should be explained that this feeling primarily hurts the one who is jealous. After all, people sometimes think that they are punishing the guilty partner with jealousy, although in fact they are punishing themselves.
Jealousy deprives you of the ability to think soberly and makes you draw in your imagination what is not, wind yourself up. Someone is jealous of imaginary rivals and rivals, someone is jealous of the partner's past. Mothers are jealous of sons to daughters-in-law, children are jealous of their parents to brothers and sisters. This feeling is meaningless and does not lead to positive results, except that sometimes it can flatter someone's pride.
The most common cause of jealousy is low self-esteem and an inferiority complex. Deep down, a person constantly doubts that he is good and that he can be loved, and considers possible rivals obviously more worthy and is afraid that his partner will understand this. In this case, it is necessary to work on improving self-esteem - this will come in handy in all areas of life.
Jealousy, among other things, is based on a possessive instinct. But one should realize that no one in this world belongs to anyone. A person is next to another person, because he himself chose him for one reason or another and at this stage he needs him.
If a woman has a tyrant husband who is constantly jealous of any passer-by and even beats her, she should understand that jealousy does not mean love. In the husband, the instinct of the owner only plays and the desire to make her guilty so that she pleases him, as well as to rip off her inferiority complex and troubles at work, where he cannot satisfy his desire for power.
How jealousy plays against a person
Sometimes girls are jealous of their boyfriends for passing girls, whom they throw fleeting glances at, or for actresses of porn films. Guys can also be jealous of their girls. In this situation, it is worth understanding that people tend to pay attention and evaluate the appearance of persons of the opposite sex, but in reality this does not really matter. But if a girl or a guy focuses on this, the partner may think that his couple has low self-esteem, and this usually reduces the attractiveness in the eyes of the partner.
Obsessive jealousy can sometimes play a cruel joke. For example, a wife constantly calls her husband and asks who he is and what he is doing. And even if before that he did not think about the betrayal, after the annoying questions of his wife he can think about it. After all, they do not trust him anyway, so there is nothing to lose.
If the partner wants to leave, then nothing will hold him back. Of course, you can keep a person temporarily by manipulation or blackmail, but mentally he will still be far away. If someone left you, this does not mean that you are an unworthy or unattractive person, it just means that you are not suitable for each other and that someone else will suit you.