The nature of men is such that they are polygamous. If something does not suit them in a relationship, they look for care and understanding on the side, so a woman should try to avoid typical mistakes that occur in family everyday life.

Step 1
Do not roll up grandiose scandals, and even more so do not teach a man how to live correctly. First of all, you will become an object of irritation, and he will stop taking you seriously. It is quarrels and swearing that kill any, even the strongest, relationship. If something does not suit you in your life together, just talk to the person, not breaking down on insults and moralizing.
Step 2
Don't deprive a man of his personal space. Each person should have their own passions and hobbies. Don't be a sticky fish: give him the opportunity to choose what he wants to do in his free time, because before the relationship with you, he probably went fishing with friends or went to the swimming section on weekends. Take a break from each other at least occasionally so that you can look forward to each new meeting.
Step 3
Don't try to change the person in your own way. Perhaps, in the first couples, your beloved will accept all your whims and innovations, but with each next deformation and reformation, a spirit of contradiction will ripen in him, the consequences of which can be fatal for your union. Love the person for who they are, because it is this imperfect man that makes you smile and makes your days happier.
Step 4
Don't you dare be jealous. Jealousy is a sign of weakness and self-doubt, a sick desire to possess a person completely and completely. Surveillance, reading messages, full monitoring of your man's personal life can play a cruel joke with you and put an end to your future relationship.
Step 5
Never push yourself. Men are arranged differently than women: they are more secretive. If he deems it necessary, he will definitely tell about his problems and experiences. And if he opened up to you, you should not laugh it off and ignore him. Show your interest. Listen, support and try to help. This way you will earn his trust and respect.