What An Open Relationship Means

What An Open Relationship Means
What An Open Relationship Means

Not so long ago, free relationships or "free love" became fashionable. But what does this mean for the couple? What to expect from such an alliance? This type of relationship has a number of advantages, thanks to which it has won such popularity, but this kind of love is not suitable for everyone.

Free relationships are not as good as they seem
Free relationships are not as good as they seem

Did your relationship start with a strange mutual freedom treaty? This means that you entered into a so-called "free relationship". What do they mean? What to expect from such an alliance? Girls and young people have slightly different opinions on this matter.

What do girls think about free love?

A free relationship (or in English "free love") is a relationship without obligation. That is, each of the partners is free to communicate with the opposite sex as much as he sees fit, without any restrictions. What do the girls think about it? In fact, few of them are ready for such freedom. Of course, many people love the ability to flirt with anyone, anywhere, while having a constant boyfriend who looks at it calmly. But there are those who are simply not ready to give such freedom to a partner. And an open relationship means just that.

As the affection for your boyfriend grows, so does the feeling of jealousy. And she is not acceptable in an open relationship. At its core, "free love" is either a relationship without any feelings in partners, or a relationship with a high level of trust. When people are sure that they will not leave each other, they are mentally prepared to let go of their partner for unlimited communication. A very small percentage of women voluntarily agree to such a relationship. After all, this is a kind of agreement that a young man has the right to treason if he wants.

Male view of an open relationship

Young people are ready for an open relationship exactly until they meet the one with whom they fall head over heels. After this, there can be no talk of freedom in relationships. Men are natural owners. And they do not like to share what belongs to them, and male love is often accompanied by a sense of ownership. But if a young man does not have deep feelings for a girl, then he does not mind spending time with other ladies. And his woman at this time can actively communicate with other young people. This is partnership and equality in relationships where no one owes anything to anyone.

Who is ready for a free relationship? People who do not want to be alone while looking for their love. They are mentally ready to be with someone on free terms, when they can leave at any time. Couples who endlessly trust each other are also ready for an open relationship. They have nothing to fear. They are ready to respect the desire of their partner to be free, to meet with someone. And, of course, those who are not in love are ready for a free relationship. For example, for sex. This is the most common reason why two people are a couple, but at the same time actively and not very much looking for love.
