Argentine Tango: From Loneliness To Understanding

Argentine Tango: From Loneliness To Understanding
Argentine Tango: From Loneliness To Understanding

Argentine tango gives a person a truly invaluable experience. Thanks to him, you will not only learn more about the culture and technique of dance, but also learn to open up, better understand yourself, see and be aware of your problems. Moreover, you can solve some difficulties, work on your character and even come to an understanding with other people, which, alas, many of us do not find either at work, or among friends, or with family.

Argentine tango: from loneliness to understanding
Argentine tango: from loneliness to understanding

Dancing Argentine tango, a person begins to understand more easily and quickly why he is unable to establish relationships in a team or in a family. The dance helps to expose and highlight the problems that hinder the establishment of mutual understanding: mistrust, excessive modesty and even painful shyness, the habit of putting on a mask, unwillingness to get along with other people, self-obsession, etc. Thanks to Argentine tango trainings, you can see and appreciate all these difficulties. Then you will have a choice: either to deal with problems, in which, again, training will help you a lot, or to leave everything as it is.

Argentine tango teachers can help you if you decide to cope with what is holding you back and learn to build good relationships with others, including your work colleagues. It is widely believed that in order to achieve such a result, it is enough to choose any social dances, but in reality this is not the case. Argentine tango requires much more effort in establishing contact with a partner and allows you to achieve deeper mutual understanding.

The fact is that the dance technique itself requires it. Argentine tango, unlike many other social dances, does not provide ready-made solutions. This means that you will not need to repeat the previously memorized movements one after another, knowing exactly which one will be next, but choose each step, trying to feel the desires of your partner and understand exactly how he prefers to dance. The weaker the contact between dancers, the higher the risk that they will start making mistakes, get confused, and eventually the dance will be ruined.

Argentine tango is excellent for developing empathy. If you are not able to understand another person, feel his mood, understand what is hidden behind his words, you will gradually learn this at the trainings. Such a skill will certainly come in handy when communicating not only with close people, but also with colleagues, business partners, and bosses. You will also learn to focus on other people without thinking only about yourself.

The establishment of contact is also facilitated by the fact that a person, wanting to feel the other, must open himself. Alas, many beginners are seriously scared by this, because they turn out to be defenseless without the usual mask. In fact, thanks to trainings, people learn to open up without harming themselves, to be honest, to give others the opportunity to feel them.
