One of the most common problems in children in the first year of life, especially those who are not breastfed, is diarrhea. It can be both a symptom of many diseases, and an independent reaction of the body to trouble in the intestines.

Step 1
It is quite easy to notice that a child has diarrhea. Normally, in children of the first months of life, the stool is watery, light yellow, 5-6 times a day. With diarrhea, the stool becomes greenish, becomes watery, with an unpleasant odor, impurities of mucus, and sometimes blood. Emptying increases up to 20 times a day. The general condition of the child can also change - he becomes lethargic, apathetic, or, conversely, cries, screams, shows signs of anxiety. The most dangerous thing during diarrhea is that the body loses a lot of fluid, that is, dehydration. Be sure to pay attention to the child's tongue - if it is dry.
Step 2
The most common cause of diarrhea in infants is an intestinal infection. It can be caused both by improperly processed food, poorly rinsed feeding containers, and viruses and bacteria that cause common diseases such as measles, tonsillitis, flu. Bacteria invade the intestinal mucosa, irritate it, provoking the release of mucus and fluid. Diarrhea can also be a manifestation of improper or overfeeding, unbalanced complementary foods, or the use of an inappropriate formula. There are a number of foods and medicines that contribute to the development of diarrhea - fruit skins, some antibiotics, and iron-containing preparations (they can also turn the stool black).
Step 3
The first thing you can do is exclude new foods from the child's diet that he has tried during the last 24 hours. Let him drink a lot, especially light herbal infusions, dill water.
Step 4
Diarrhea, which lasts for a day and does not go away with the exclusion of suspicious products, is the reason for the obligatory call of the local pediatrician, and if the child's condition is serious and accompanied by a rise in temperature, then the ambulance. The doctor will deal with the causes of diarrhea, prescribe suitable treatment for the child and advise on proper nutrition.