Normally, a baby is born between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation. As the preliminary date of birth approaches, the woman increasingly doubts whether she may begin labor.

Step 1
2-3 weeks before the upcoming birth, the body begins to prepare for the birth of a child. The cork may come off in a woman - a jelly-like discharge, similar to egg white. Don't worry if you see bloody streaks in it. Most women begin training contractions. Sometimes they become so painful and intense that the expectant mother may confuse them with labor pains. Some time before childbirth, a woman may have a lower belly. This happens when the baby gets into the birth canal. Often before childbirth, women lose weight by 1-2 kg, because the body gets rid of excess fluid. Any of these events can occur both a few weeks before the birth of the baby, and directly during childbirth.
Step 2
Immediate labor activity can begin either with contractions or with the flow of amniotic fluid.
Step 3
First of all, a woman should know how training contractions differ from labor contractions in order to understand whether it is time to go to the hospital. The main difference between labor contractions is their regularity. The intervals between training contractions change all the time, the length of time for muscle contraction also varies. The intervals between labor pains gradually decrease, and the duration of the contraction itself increases. If you can't tell if labor has started, take a warm shower. In this case, the intensity of labor pains will increase, and the intensity of training contractions will decrease until it stops completely. It happens that labor pains are irregular. Therefore, if in doubt, you should still go to the hospital.
Step 4
Training contractions are less painful than labor contractions. However, a woman who is expecting her first child will hardly be able to distinguish them on this basis. With the approach of childbirth, training contractions bring more and more discomfort, and labor contractions in the first few hours are usually quite easily tolerated by the expectant mother.
Step 5
The rupture of amniotic fluid means that the baby should be born within the next 72 hours. That is how much time doctors give for the baby to be born on its own. If, within 3 days of the anhydrous period, the contractions did not begin or the child's heartbeat began to slow down, the woman will be stimulated to labor or perform a cesarean section. When the waters drain, the expectant mother should immediately go to the hospital to monitor the condition of the child. It is extremely dangerous to stay at home, as the drainage of water can lead to hypoxia and infection of the fetus.