Finding a boyfriend is one of the most important problems of modern girls. The frantic pace of life leaves little time for choosing a suitable candidate, and being alone is very sad.

Be attractive
No matter how beautiful your inner world is, the first impression is formed in appearance. If guys aren't paying attention to you, are you completely abandoning yourself? Get your looks in order, go to the salon and grab a pair of pretty dresses. But you shouldn't overdo it either - guys don't like complicated hairstyles, combat makeup and mini-skirts that look more like a belt. Wear mid-length feminine dresses, classic fitted coats, and light natural make-up and you will see how you start to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
Guys love girls to talk to. It will be great if, in addition to your appearance, you develop internally.
Take a look around
According to psychologists, every woman is surrounded by at least 9 men suitable for her. Take a look around your surroundings - perhaps you will find your prince very close. Pay attention to a longtime acquaintance or neighbor who lives on the same floor with you. Think of your brother's cute friend or the guy who smiled at you at the last lecture at the institute. You may not even consider some men as suitable candidates. Take a closer look at them and give them at least one chance.
Look for the guy in the right places
Where do you think most people find new acquaintances? A bar or a nightclub immediately comes to mind. Yes, in entertainment venues, everyone is having fun and relaxing, and acquaintances seem to be tied up by themselves. But most guys aren't looking for a life partner in clubs. Club dating most often develops into one-time sex, and nothing more. Look for other places. For example, you can meet at the gym - sports guys come there, who will be happy to help a new girl deal with the simulators. Or go for a bike ride in the park. Chances are, that soon you will be joined by the same lonely guy who will offer to ride together. In fact, there are tons of places where you can find a soul mate - various exhibitions, lectures, skating rink, cinema. In many large cities, so-called "dating parties" are held, where single guys and girls come to find their love.
Use feminine tricks - flirt, smile and flirt. But don't step too straight, let the guy take the first step himself.
Don't get hung up on searching
Don't make finding a boyfriend the meaning of your life. There is no need to show excessive pressure on this issue - guys do not like excessive initiative on the part of the girl. Live life to the fullest, diversify your leisure time, and new acquaintances will not keep you waiting. And, of course, if you finally find a guy, you should not immediately hint to him about the wedding and children - let everything go on as usual.