Agree that in life there are many situations in which we feel that it would not hurt us to change internally. In order for such situations to be as few as possible, it is necessary to work on this.

- Studying psychology
- Keeping a personal diary
- Work on yourself
Step 1
Make a list and description of situations in which you feel you need to behave differently. Describe how you feel in each of these situations: anxiety, fear, shame, etc. Look at the situations on the list and try to answer the question, what do they have in common. Perhaps there are strangers, authority figures, etc. in all of these situations.
Step 2
Ask yourself which situation from the list is the most undesirable for you, and which, on the contrary, is the easiest. Now you can describe a situation when, for example, you lack self-confidence as follows: "I feel certain emotions (what), if (condition)." Example: "I feel stressed when I have to perform in front of a large audience of people." So, clearly formulating the problem is an important step.
Step 3
Now that you understand the circumstances under which you need to feel differently, start working on it. To begin with, confident people tend to feel free from anxiety and other similar feelings. It arises precisely when we are unsure of something. Then we start asking questions: “What if I'm wrong? What if they laugh at me? What if I lose my job? Often one of these “ifs” entails all the others and many questions arise, to which you answer with one answer: “It will be terrible”. The most important step is to find all these “ifs”.
Step 4
Answer your questions "What to do if …". Only not in a fantastic, but in a real way. It can really happen in life that you don't know what to say at a party. But the answer should be: "Nothing terrible will happen, I can always ask other people what they think about something and listen to other opinions." You must understand that what you see as scary is not really scary.