Once you get a new job, you find yourself in a completely new territory. Here, of course, there are unspoken laws, and besides, this territory is already marked with an expensive, and maybe not very, smell of perfume belonging to the boss's mistress. Sometimes such a woman does not betray her position in any way, and sometimes she begins to behave defiantly, feeling her complete impunity.

Try to immediately determine for yourself for what purpose you came to a new job. In the future, not only your financial well-being, but also, most importantly, your peace of mind may depend on this self-determination. Unless you are a pale moth, which is able to endure constant nagging and humiliating attitude from the authorities, and not a new contender for the boss's cozy sofa, but a completely ambitious woman without stupidity, who wants to achieve something on her own in her career and life, at first during your stay, it is advisable to listen more and talk as little as possible.
The task is quite simple: to determine where you have been brought, and who is this boss's mistress, whom everyone calls a favorite in a half-whisper.
There are several solutions in this situation, and it will only depend on you how events will develop further, and what you will eventually come to.
On the altar of his career
Once it was the same seductive, sexy and bright beauty who chose to completely dissolve in her desired lover. He, of course, did not give her exclusive rights to have sex with him, but in return for her dedication he bestowed her with exclusive rights to hard labor in the name of his career. Out of inexperience, she believed that he entrusted her with his brainchild - his business, thereby confirming his feelings for her. And she harnessed herself, trying to prove to him and everyone how efficient she is, valuable as a professional and true to his ideas. But she herself did not notice how she turned into a driven draft horse.
She is lonely, infinitely unhappy and still devoted to her boss. Yes, they reckon with her, they admit, but behind her back they mock her. It is quite possible that it is in your face that she will see that long-awaited friend, whom she always lacked. Become her companion, assistant, vest, in the end, in which she can cry. Take on her professional qualities, do not resist when she begins to introduce you into her business circle, and you yourself will not notice how she, one way or another, will lead you to career heights.
Here everything rules … no, just not the boss. The reins of the board are with his director for amorous issues. During the interview, she has already objectively assessed your intelligence, ambition and determination. She will begin to paint what a close-knit team, that everyone is like one family and will never be offended. And he can even try to put under the boss instead of himself, for a while, of course, and then only if it will bring her undoubted benefits.
Everyone fears her, hates and despises her, and at the same time, they curry favor with her, well aware of her power. She will immediately be told if you just sneeze, let alone something else. It is not surprising to predict the scheme of her actions - in case of the slightest disobedience, she will immediately clear her horizon from your figure without any hesitation, without forgetting to call your new employer and give the most “flattering” recommendation. So, that to achieve something and break through the career ladder up, here the chances are reduced to zero.
At the slightest suspicion of a similar situation, turn 180 degrees from the threshold and forward with a quick step. Most likely, next to such an employee, your career will come to an end very soon.
Office fury
No longer a young typical office beauty, still confident that she is the only star on the office scene. Although already, not without the help of the chef, she begins to smoke on the sly, often pouring brandy into her coffee. She thinks she is a significant figure, although in fact she has not decided anything for a long time. She still goes to work in tight clothes on her naked body, and even does a manicure in the boss's office while trying to make everyone believe that she is the only specialist standing here. She does not react in any way to the adventures of the boss outside the office, but she has already noticed that you can, if you wish, take her place rather quickly and will naturally make every effort to wipe you out in the most nasty way and as soon as possible.
To conduct hostilities with such a person means not to respect yourself at all. And besides, in such an office, all your ideas will be instantly suppressed before you even have time to voice them. Therefore, since fate has thrown you here in some manner, take advantage of the Internet and the phone in order to find yourself a decent job within two weeks, in any case, by law you have a couple of weeks, so breathe deeply.