An affair between a boss and a pretty subordinate is a commonplace case. Someone cannot resist a charismatic boss, while others are attracted by possible career successes. If you don't want to get screwed up as your boss's mistress, or if you want to catch your colleague in an unprofessional relationship, watch for typical signs.

Secret negotiations in the director's office
If one of the employees often disappears in the director's office, it is quite possible that behind the door they are not talking about the company's plans, but about the next romantic date. The director's mistress usually comes into his office several times a day for completely insignificant reasons: to clarify the task, once again remind about the vacation, complain about the cleaning lady. Often, the boss himself singles out his beloved employee, as if by chance inviting her to come in after the planning meeting. In most cases, the boss behaves emphatically harshly towards his mistress, so as not to incur unnecessary suspicion.
Only 30% of women admit that passion inspired them to have an affair with their boss. The rest decide on a relationship because of the desire for career growth.
Behavior and look are what gives out
The boss’s mistress is usually more cheeky than the rest of the staff. And if a man tries to keep himself more restrained, then this inflames the woman even more. She can make ambiguous hints to the director, even in front of all the other employees, mysteriously smile at him and openly flirt. It is important for a woman to recognize her status, so secret relationships jar her, even if she tries to cope with it. The boss’s mistress is always proud of her position, so she often hints about her relationship with the boss. However, when asked directly, she will prefer to remain silent or smile mysteriously.
If a woman tells everyone about her relationship with her boss, it is unlikely that she is telling the truth. Most often, the mistress prefers not to betray her position.
The appearance of the boss's mistress
The director's passion often begins to dress differently. She uses a more sexy look and makeup, brightly colors her eyes and lips, and looses her hair. This can be noticed if the company has a strict dress code. Usually the director is more loyal to the appearance of his mistress and allows her a freer style than the rest. Often the boss’s mistress preeners herself before entering the boss’s office, paints her lips and straightens her hair.
Shared trips are a reason for suspicion
Joint business trips between the boss and his secretary or one of the irreplaceable employees are commonplace. However, if they are too frequent, this is a reason to think. A change of scenery and a new place where no one knows anyone is a great hideout for lovers. The director and his passion usually go on business trips to other cities or countries. But even long business trips around the city can raise suspicions. Also, one of the signs is the frequent joint leaving from work, when the boss offers his subordinate to give her a ride home or see her off.