Women often become lovers of married guys. This situation suits them completely, because they do not owe anything to their man. However, the status of a sexual partner can have a very interesting color: you can become not just a mistress, but have a rich man next to you.

What to do to become a rich man's mistress
The first thing that needs to be done in order to attract the attention of a potential lover is to develop in him an interest in his person, sexual attraction. First you need to dress stylishly and effectively.
Short open dresses, high heels, in general, everything that will emphasize all the charm of your figure will help you with this.
Makeup is also very important. Use some mascara and eyeshadow to define your eyes and don't forget about the shine on your lips, they should look lush and vibrant. After all, men pay attention to how seductive a woman is - this is her whole essence.
When you meet the right man, find out if he just wants to have fun or is married, but is still looking for a mistress. If he met you just to have fun, such a romance does not make sense, since it will not be long-term, and most likely there will be no material support from this person, since young and beautiful girls around him are always very a lot of.
In the event that he has a wife, but is in search of personal happiness outside the family, this is the best option for you. You can become his mistress if he starts to trust you. Then your relationship will last for a long time, and if he is disposed to you, he will not spare his money for your maintenance.
Be careful. In no case should your lover guess about your selfish goals and calculations, otherwise your relationship will end too sadly and swiftly.
Internet - assistant in search of a wealthy sponsor
Practice has shown many times that the Internet can help in finding a wealthy lover. In the networks of the world wide web there are a huge variety of dating sites. A considerable part of them are those on which wealthy and promising men seek their happiness. The main thing in the search process is to avoid a number of mistakes that scare off a potential rich lover. To do this, you need to behave as natural as possible and not make any hints of money.
In the event that a man does not realize that you are with him mostly because of money, your relationship will last a long time and will bring you huge benefits, since most rich men are friendly and gentle towards women. It is worth not forgetting that all rich people are more demanding of others, and you will also have to give a lot for using their money and care.
In your dreams of wealth, remember that money is only a small part of life's components; in the pursuit of wealth, be prepared for anything, as it may not bring you the expected happiness.