The problem of fathers and children is eternal, but it can be smoothed out if there is mutual understanding between parents and children in the family. However, as adults and children age, it becomes more difficult to find it. The reasons for this are quite objective, and if you understand them in time, you can avoid many conflicts.

A child is one of the most defenseless creatures on the planet, until a certain age he is completely dependent on his parents. Even not knowing how to explain the reasons for anxiety, he finds understanding in the mother, who intuitively and at the level of maternal instincts feels what the child needs. The child, in turn, still in the womb feels the emotional mood of the mother, and after birth this connection remains for some time.
Up to a year, parents are the only source of the formation of a child's worldview. Gradually expanding his social circle, he begins to move away from his parents. He may already have his own thoughts that are not related to the personality of the parents. The beginning of a visit to a preschool institution marks the integration of the baby into society - he has new friends, affections and antipathies, and parents no longer always manage to keep abreast of all the child's experiences.
Age crises
In the life of every person there are periods of crisis changes associated with the growth of the organism, the formation of physics. Psychologists point to five critical moments in a child's life. The child experiences the first crisis at the moment of birth. The second crisis begins with the first step of the infant, when he learns to move freely around the house. The third crisis is associated with the child's awareness of himself as a person - he stops calling himself by name and begins to study his “I”. The fourth crisis moment comes at the age of 6-7 years and is directly related to the beginning of schooling. The last and most difficult is the crisis of adolescence, it is directly related to abrupt hormonal changes in the body.
Not only psychological health, but also the level of mutual understanding depends on the behavior of parents during the crisis periods of a child's life.
Friendship of parents and children - is it possible?
Nevertheless, parents will have to accept that the child has his own life, the degree of accessibility to which is regulated by him. We must never forget that a child is not the property of parents, but an independent person with a similar DNA structure, a common blood type, similar facial features, but, nevertheless, has the right to his own worldview and actions.
An adult cannot demand complete submission from a child solely on the basis that he is financially dependent on him. But as a more experienced person, a parent can advise, suggest, sympathize in the end. There is no mutual understanding in a family where the child's personal rights and freedoms are not respected.
Actually, the actions and worldview are the result of raising a child in a family, so if the parents are not satisfied with something in his behavior, one should look for the reasons in the family and in ourselves.