Each of the lovers begins to determine the main thing in the family when the relationship becomes serious enough. Sometimes a stubborn rivalry for leadership makes living together unbearable and impossible.

How to understand which of them is in charge by the behavior of a husband and wife in a family
The newlyweds at the wedding try to overtake each other and step on the towel first. According to this old tradition, whoever takes the first step will be the master in the house. But all the signs, advice and attempts to take primacy for oneself fade into the background when everyday life, work and children enter the life of the newlyweds.
Often the wife communicates with her husband in a raised voice and every now and then screams: "How many times can I ask you to hang the shelf?", "Take out the trash!", "Why do you constantly throw your socks all over the apartment?" If you see such a relationship within someone's family, you might think that the spouse in this case is definitely the main one in the house.
But is it really so? Only a person who feels like a true master of the house can over and over again store socks under the sofa, ignore the hysterical calls to take out the trash and not do the housework that doesn’t lie to the heart! The husband simply perceives the reproaches and grumbles of his wife as background noise and makes the TV volume a little higher.
Another typical family situation: a spouse is successfully running his own business, spends a lot of time at work, he has a cool car, a solid office, a phone ringing out of calls and a wife is a housewife. Of course, many will decide that the husband is the master of the house. But what about the fact that he fulfills all the whims of his wife, buys the hundredth fur coat, the absurd dog, takes her to the shops and refuses to meet with partners for tea with his mother-in-law? It turns out that the husband harasses himself at work only for the sake of satisfying the whims of his wife. The spouse dominates here and will never let go of the reins of government voluntarily.
Who else can be the master of the house
With the birth of a child, roles in the family can change dramatically. Many parents, not realizing this, immediately present the crown and scepter to the baby. The daily routine of adults is subject to the periods of sleep / wakefulness of the child, money is spent primarily on children's needs. And so on until the growing up and even aging of the dearest child.
In a childless family, the role of such a tyrant-master can be played by pets. When the human component of the family discusses the diet and grooming of the pet for hours with the veterinarian, gets up and lies down in accordance with the need to lead the dog for a walk, there is no doubt about who is the owner of the house.
It turns out that often the main person in the family is not the one who earns money and loudly expresses claims, but the one who, willingly or unwillingly, forces others to fulfill their desires.