Some men care about their appearance no less than women. However, this does not mean at all that for women, male beauty is more important than their mind and inner world.

Men and women think differently
Some people are probably familiar with the old adage that says, "Men love girls with their eyes, and girls love them with their ears." Undoubtedly, there is a grain of truth in these words, because sayings and proverbs do not just appear among the centuries.
Everyday modern life, no matter how trite it may be, is built according to the same fabulous principles. Ordinary decent girls will never look for guys on the pages of glamorous publications, but will meet ordinary young people on the street or in transport. It is generally accepted that handsome men are always real professional womanizers. When a very handsome man meets, immediately there is a complete distrust of him and a search for a hidden intent in his actions.
It often turns out that many attractive men often suffer from their appearance and are very modest in nature.
Appearance or inner world?
How much attention do girls pay to a man's appearance? There cannot and should not be an unambiguous answer to this question. Almost everyone has their own ideal loved one, feelings for whom paint their own beautiful image of their beloved. Most often, people consider beautiful and attractive those people who are close to them in spirit, similar to them internally and externally, those who have a common ethnic status and nationality with them.
It has been proven that in the appearance of a man, any woman is definitely attracted by his height (again to taste, someone - low, someone - high) and muscle mass (and here, too, to choose from).
If a girl has a choice between a stupid, narcissistic and rude handsome man and a modest, caring, unsightly young man, she will most likely choose the second one, since it is more important for her to feel protected and confident next to a man, and not to be proud of his beauty, knowing that inside it is emptiness.
However, the most important thing to consider, life will need to be lived not with a beautiful cover, but with an honest, decent person, that it will be necessary to raise and educate children not with a tall athlete with a relief abs, but with a kind and responsible man. You need to listen to your heart, believe not in appearance, but in human actions and value with your soul. It doesn't matter how many people around you will like your spouse in the future. Your girlfriends may laugh at your choice, but you will know that the person who is next to you will never leave you or betray you.