Mothers of babies sometimes experience inconvenience when they need to go to the store, and there is no one to leave the child with. It is very inconvenient to take a stroller with you for a hike for bread, especially if you live on the top floor. Various devices for carrying children come to the rescue. They are also convenient to use on a walk - the baby is next to the mother, and the mother can move freely. One such device is a ring sling.

Step 1
When choosing a ring sling in a store, put it on yourself and straighten the fabric in the rings. Then try to pull the material outward from you by pulling on the edge of the tail. If the fabric is easily pulled out, the sling will securely hold the baby in a snug fit.
Step 2
Next, evaluate the density of the material, its naturalness. Linen and cotton "breathe" - this is good for both the baby and you. Artificial fabric is undesirable - it is poorly breathable.
Step 3
It is also necessary to determine if the size of the sling is suitable for comfortable use. To do this, tighten the entire tail of the product into rings. If there is no space between you and the fabric, and the dangling tail is long enough, then everything is in order. If the tail is short, a larger sling is needed.
Step 4
Be sure to check the strength of the fabric and rings. After removing the sling, pull the fabric in different directions, grasping the places where the rings are sewn and where the material enters them. Make sure the fabric does not slip or the rings are deformed.