The ring sling for carrying a baby can be used from the first days of life and is guaranteed for up to a year. In fact, many babies sometimes prefer to sit in a sling for much longer if their height and weight allow it.

From birth to 4-6 months, the “cradle” position is mainly used with some variations. In the future, the child prefers a sitting position, unless he is sleeping, since lying down he does not get a full view of the surroundings. To use a sling, you first need to put it on without a child, so that the rings are under the shoulder in front. The child is taken on the shoulder free from the sling - they are different for left-handers and right-handers. Supporting the child under the back and legs, they put him on his hand so that his head rests on the palm of his hand. It is undesirable to spread the legs, it is better to let both of them be at the parent between the elbow and the body. The child is lowered into the sling with his head to the rings, trying to place the head in the very depth, so that there are no folds of tissue left immediately under it. Continuing to support the head and back already outside, they adjust the length of the "cradle", pulling excess tissue through the rings.
Before going outside, especially the first 10-15 times, you should walk through the apartment several times, since unnoticed folds of fabric can straighten out at any time, frightening both the child and the wearer. It is only through experience that you can learn to notice the presence of these folds and immediately straighten them. In order for the child to quickly get used to his position, experts recommend standing less without moving. This advice only applies to newborn babies.
Even at one place, for example, at a bus stop or in a queue, you need to turn slightly, walk from side to side, since most children calm down from smooth movements and begin to worry in immobility.
Head-to-the-rings most babies are placed in the first 1-2 months. And even at this age, some of them prefer to be higher, while others like a close to horizontal position. You will most likely need to try both of them several times before you can figure out the favorite position of each individual child.
From birth, it can also use a physiological upright position - especially experts recommend it for children born earlier than necessary. There is no need to fear for the fragile spine of a newborn, since the pressure of dense tissue is evenly distributed over the back, as if on hands.
The child is not in a sitting position, if he is correctly wrapped - the side should go under the knees, and the fabric covers the entire back surface of the body and sides.
Putting the sling on a comfortable shoulder, the child is placed on the opposite one, holding it with the same hand. Pull back the edge of the sling and cover the baby, then, bending slightly, holding the baby's back and head, pull the fabric of the sling over him. The legs are removed from the opposite edge and straightened into the frog pose, knees up. If the baby is protesting, you can press his legs to the chest without spreading them apart. It is necessary to check that the collar passes under the knee line. The tail of the sling is tightened to the desired position so that the baby is snug but not tight against the wearer's body. The head should be on the top edge of the sling and the legs should be on the bottom. The level of tension may vary slightly for the convenience of different children, since many prefer to press strongly against the parent's body, while others require freedom from birth.