Sling Advantages And Disadvantages

Sling Advantages And Disadvantages
Sling Advantages And Disadvantages

Nowadays, many women use slings to carry their baby. This adaptation has come to us since antiquity. Many people praise slings very much, while others believe that they are harmful to the child. What are the disadvantages and advantages of slings?

Advantages and disadvantages of slings
Advantages and disadvantages of slings

There are quite a few advantages:

1. The baby in the sling is next to the mother, which makes him fall asleep very quickly.

2. He feels the beating of his mother's heart and warmth, his position is similar to the position in which he was in the stomach. The child feels calm and secure.

3. The baby will not freeze in the sling.

4. When using a sling, mom frees her hands, so she can carry a bag or do some other business.

5. The sling is inexpensive, easy to clean and easy to clean.

6. When wearing a sling, the load is evenly distributed on the abdomen, legs and buttocks.

7. Many people believe that carrying a baby in a sling allows you to quickly remove the belly, which was formed after childbirth.

In addition to the obvious advantages, slings have a number of established disadvantages:

1. If the sling is not tied correctly, the baby may fall out of it.

2. In the summer it is quite hot in it, so it is possible to allow the baby to overheat.

3. Some models may only be worn with assistance.

4. If you are not using diapers, be prepared to wash your sling constantly.

There are many types of slings, a woman chooses the one that suits her the most. The main criterion for choosing is that the child and mother should be comfortable. It is also important when wearing a sling to take into account that the shoes should be flat and without a heel.
