It happens that when taking a child in their arms, parents clearly hear a crunch of articular origin. This can happen with older children. Some immediately go to a doctor, while others attribute this to the growth of children.

As for babies, here the crunch of joints is explained by a poorly developed muscular apparatus and fragility of bones. However, it should be noted that such symptoms can also serve as a signal of congenital hypermobility of the joints.
Parents should be wary if the crunch does not go away for a long period of time or is localized in the same place. A competent specialist should prescribe a series of tests and a comprehensive examination of the body to identify the true causes of the crunch.
What you need to include in your daily diet
In the absence of pathologies, an approximate child's menu will be drawn up, in which the main place will be occupied by dishes rich in calcium. This is due to the fact that it is this element that significantly strengthens bones and joints. Among the main recommended products may be milk, cottage cheese, fish. Many experts believe that it is necessary to give the child more fluid during the day, since the crunch can be caused by a lack of intra-articular fluid.
As for adolescents, their crunch can be caused by the restructuring of the body and the final formation of the joints. The main peak falls on the age of 14-16 years. In some cases, the cause of the crunch is quite serious diseases, for example, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, arthrosis and others. If the child does not feel pain when the fingers and knees crunch, it will most likely go away after a while.
When to see a doctor
If the child feels significant discomfort while squatting and bending the knees, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Your doctor may prescribe medications and ointments to relieve pain. It is worth giving the child more rest and less physical activity, while it is recommended to take a course of exercise therapy. You should reduce your salt intake, regularly add yoghurts and jelly to your diet. Jellied meat can be offered to a teenager.
Currently, pharmacy chains offer consumers a large number of all kinds of vitamin supplements and mineral complexes, which are largely capable of replenishing the reserves of calcium and vitamin D in the body. However, you should not purchase such drugs, relying only on your own opinion, since in the future they can provoke hypervitaminosis. It is imperative to consult your local doctor.