The diagnosis "dysplasia" is understood as a disorder in the development of the hip joint. The mildest degree is the physiological immaturity of the joint. Remaining unnoticed, it can lead to a delay in ossification, in which the articular cartilage does not acquire the quality of a bone in time.

Dysplasia causes
The exact causes of this disease have not been established. Statistics show that the disease is more common in girls. The risk group includes babies whose families have older brothers or sisters with dysplasia; children born in breech presentation; with a large body weight; with deformation of the feet.
A significant role is played by the swaddling of the child, the absence of such. Also, the practice of free swaddling significantly reduces the likelihood of dysplasia. This relationship is indicated by studies conducted in Japan. The abolition of strict swaddling in 1975 made it possible to reduce the incidence by 10 times.
Clinical manifestations
The external manifestation of dysplasia is expressed in the asymmetry of skin folds, the symptom of "slipping", shortening of the hip and limitation of hip abduction.
During the examination, the condition of the gluteal, inguinal, popliteal folds is assessed. Hip dysplasia makes them asymmetrical, differing in depth and shape. This symptom is well detected in babies older than 3 months. However, it should be noted that in the presence of bilateral dysplasia, the folds may be the same.
Thigh shortening is determined by placing the child on his back with the hip and knee joints bent. The position of one knee joint below the other is cause for concern. Additionally, X-ray and ultrasound examination is used.
Dysplasia treatment
The most popular and effective treatment principles:
- keeping the legs bent at the knees in the breeding position;
- maximum physical activity in this position.
Special orthopedic devices help to keep the legs of the crumbs in this position: Freik's pillow, Pavlik's stirrups, Becker's "pants". Good results can be achieved only with the constant stay of the child in special equipment, especially at the beginning of treatment. In the first months of life, for the purpose of breeding the legs, soft pads and a wide swaddling method are used.
Regardless of the stage of dysplasia, massage and therapeutic exercises are prescribed (if the fixator allows). Often, physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis with calcium ions, paraffin therapy) are added to the arsenal of methods.
Early treatment is absolutely successful in 95% of cases. A late approach to solving a problem or its complete ignorance leads to the fact that the baby sooner or later develops lameness.