What is connective tissue dysplasia? Where does it come from? How is it expressed in children? What diseases are there with DST?

Connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) is a genetic disorder that is passed down from one or both parents. With DST, there is a lack of collagen in the body, which is necessary for connective tissue. And it is present throughout the body, internal organs are made of it, it is in the spine and muscles.
How is DST expressed
Pay attention to your child's physique. With DST, the baby will be thin, literally, his ribs and bones will stick out, and do not try to forcefully feed the child, this will not help. The skin color is pale, with a mesh of veins, they are clearly visible.
The sclera of the eyes in such children are blue, from birth. Hyperplasticity is also observed, the child's fingers easily bend in different directions, he can easily sit on the twine.
Many children have a fossa in the middle of the chest, this is also one of the signs of CTD. In addition, dysplasia of the hip joints is present from birth, that is, DST can already be suspected.
Also, children from birth have valgus feet (flat feet). Parents need to pay attention to the way their child walks, usually on toes due to the hallux valgus.
What diseases occur with DST
It all depends on the severity of the form of the disease, we will list the main ones.
- An open window on the heart and it may not close.
- Mitral valve prolapse as one of the signs.
- Additional notochord in the heart, too, as one of the signs.
- Dyskinesia of the gallbladder (from birth).
- Colon dyskinesia (from birth).
- Violation of intestinal motility (from birth).
- Insufficiency of the Bauhinia valve (expressed in aching pains in the abdomen, in the navel area).
- Astigmatism, myopia, myopia (may be from birth, or may manifest as a child grows up).
- Intracranial pressure (headaches).
- Violation of the venous outflow of the brain (associated with the cervical spine, with CTD often displacements of the vertebrae, which leads to impaired blood circulation).
- Delayed mental and speech development.
- Recurrent pain in the arms and legs.
What to do if a child is diagnosed with DST
Turn to genetics first! He will order tests to analyze the future life of the child. DST is not treated! But with the right approach, you can significantly improve the life of the child.
Self-medication is not recommended, only a competent specialist can help you.
How to warn DST
It is necessary to plan a pregnancy. It is imperative for future parents to contact the genetic center and get tested for DST.