In spring, the weather changes constantly. The sun is already heating up strongly, and in the shade it is still possible to freeze. And often mothers of young children are faced with such an unpleasant problem as a runny nose. It occurs against the background of reduced immunity after winter and hypothermia. For example, a baby sweated in the sun, and then froze. Viruses in the child's body begin to multiply actively. And in the late afternoon, snot flows like a stream from a child's nose. But if you start treatment on time, you can get rid of a cold in a couple of days.

Step 1
If the child suddenly became moody, drowsy, began to complain of pain and tingling in the nose, then immediately start taking antiviral drugs. You can use homeopathic remedies or interferon-based medications. This is necessary so that the disease does not start in full force.
Step 2
The nose needs to be rinsed several times a day. To do this, use special salt solutions based on sea water, which are sold in pharmacies. They can be used from birth.
Step 3
You can also mix the nasal rinse solution yourself. Just mix 2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water, add a couple of drops of iodine. Flush with a syringe without a needle. Saline solutions help thin the mucus in the nose, which can be easily blown out. You can also rinse the sinuses with a tincture of chamomile flowers, it has an antibacterial effect.
Step 4
Inhalation can be done with hot and cold steam. To carry out cold inhalation, you will need a special device - a nebulizer, to which saline and medicine are added. Inhalations with hot steam are done over water heated to 40 ° C with the addition of pine or fir essential oils. Remember that hot inhalation can only be done if there is no fever.
Step 5
A child with a cold should be in a room with a humidity of at least 60%. This will help keep the mucus in your nasal passages from drying out. Ventilate the apartment more often and wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth.
Step 6
It is better to raise the headrest of a baby bed. This will prevent mucus from accumulating in the throat. At night, vasoconstrictor drops can be dripped into each nostril of the child.