Twenty years ago, in almost every class for fifteen girls, there were three Lenas, three Natasha, two Katya and two Oli, and among the same number of boys one could definitely see two Earrings and three or four Sash. The bearers of such popular names did not always like it, because the name in this case faded into the background, and they had to respond to the surname, serial number, or even a nickname. Now more and more parents are trying to give their child an original name in order to protect the baby from the stamps associated with popular names. But it is not always easy to do this contrary to the established traditions.

Saints, reference book of names
Step 1
Decide if you plan to baptize your child. If so, ask for help from the Saints. Perhaps the baptismal (church) name that you choose will suit your baby and in the world. The name according to the calendar, as a rule, is chosen in accordance with the date of birth (plus or minus three days) or with the date of baptism. It will be equally preferable to choose the name of the saint whom you most revere. And in the unusualness of most of the names in the calendar you cannot refuse, because for more than seventy years it was not accepted to turn to this rich source of names. Nowadays, such primordially Orthodox names as Seraphim, Bogdan, Varvara, Sofia, Euphrosinia, as well as the biblical Eve and Adam have turned out to be very fashionable. On the one hand, ancient Orthodox names sound unusual, but on the other, they do not cause disapproval from the conservatively-minded part of the population.

Step 2
Be sure to consider the Old Slavonic names that have remained at the height of fashion for the second decade. Such names as Radomir, Miroslava, Kupava, Yaropolk, Gorislav, Bozhena have already become familiar, although until recently they seemed exotic. A huge variety of these names will allow you to find an unusual beautiful name, combined with the surname and patronymic of the unborn child, and the patriotic background of such a choice will significantly reduce unnecessary disputes with the older generation in your family.

Step 3
Avoid names that may lead to peer ridicule or pronunciation difficulties. Remember that your child will not be able to change his name until he comes of age, and self-confidence and the ability to communicate with peers are laid much earlier.

Step 4
Be careful with foreign names unless you plan to move to another country. If this question is open, it is worth considering a name that has its own form in almost every country. For a girl, this can be, for example, Angelina, Anna, Varvara, Maria, Klavdia, Melanya, Victoria, for a boy - Arthur, Mikhail, Daniel, David, Mark, Matvey, Ivan, Victor.

Step 5
Check each name in combination with the last name and patronymic. If the middle name is long and difficult to pronounce, you should look for a short name with a lot of vowels. A short patronymic and surname, on the contrary, do not bind to anything.

Step 6
Do not rush to finally make a choice in favor of any name and notify others about it until the moment you see your baby. Perhaps the solution will come naturally.