This phenomenon is very common not only in babies, but also in quite large and independent children. Some of them, even at school age, cannot get rid of this "childish" habit. To stop this issue from existing, try the following methods.

Step 1
Do not take your finger out of your mouth forcibly, even if this is already pretty annoying to you. Distract the kid: give him candy or do something. Do not make thumb sucking a universal problem, do not shame the child.
Step 2
If the habit of thumb-sucking appears after weaning from the breast or bottle, do not go back to the nipple or pacifier out of pity. Teach your child to think of himself as an adult, big. And let the babies suck pacifiers!
Step 3
Pay attention to "side" symptoms that you may not have noticed before. A child can speak like a small child (even if he is already 5 years old). Be whiny. Behave like a toddler. The fact is that he is comfortable being small, calm and understandable. He doesn't want to grow up. Hence the habit that you now want to get rid of. Maybe you are too strict and demand adult behavior from the child?
Step 4
Find out the reasons for your fears. Thumb sucking is often associated with both conscious and unconscious fears. By eliminating or at least reducing them, you will save your baby from the habit of thumb sucking.