The Essence Of The Methodology Of Maria Montessori

The Essence Of The Methodology Of Maria Montessori
The Essence Of The Methodology Of Maria Montessori

Early childhood development is very relevant today. It is useful for a child to be more independent, to be able to correctly assess what is happening. The Montessori technique allows you to teach a child to be independent and acquire many useful skills.

The essence of the Montessori technique
The essence of the Montessori technique

The method of child development was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori at the beginning of the 20th century, and today you can find kindergartens, schools, individual developmental groups that work according to this method. A modern Montessori educator helps a child find something to do in a specially equipped classroom, looks after him, but does not lead, in the traditional sense of the word.

The essence of the Montessori methodology is to push the child towards independent learning, and for this a special didactic environment is created. To create an environment in which the child can self-study, Maria Montessori has selected materials that allow the child to gain practical self-service skills, develop logic, spatial thinking. In this special environment, the child can act by trial and error, find his own mistakes and correct them.

A room equipped according to this system usually consists of thematic zones filled with didactic materials.

Main zones

Real life zone. In it, the child learns self-service skills, acquires the skills that are needed for an independent life for a person at any age.

Sensory development zone. Objects that fill this zone develop vision, hearing, smell, attention, memory, fine motor skills, help to understand the main characteristics of objects.

Zone of mathematics. Subjects in the area of mathematics develop logical thinking, spatial thinking, attention, memory, get acquainted with the concept of "quantity".

The language zone helps to learn letters, syllables, learn to read and write.

The space zone acquaints the child with the processes that take place in the surrounding world, the peculiarities of other peoples.

Also, the Montessori technique allows older children to learn how to interact with younger ones, take care of them.
