When communicating with children, parents often make mistakes that lead to the fact that the child withdraws, he loses the desire to tell anything and share his experiences. Parents cannot understand what happened, why the child moved away and became secretive.

Parents do not listen to the child
There are situations when a child wants to share something, but the parents do not have time to listen to him. Even if you are busy, put aside things for at least a few minutes and take time to talk to your child. Be sure to let him feel that you are interested in what he is saying. Turn to face him or sit down next to him. If the child is upset, take his hand, if he is still small, you can sit him on your lap. During the conversation, be sure to give up everything, because the child will not want to share anything, watching you wash the dishes, watch TV or cannot look away from the computer - it will seem to him that you are focused only on yourself, and not on him.
Adults don't share a child's feelings
If a child decides to share his fears or what caused him melancholy or sadness, there is no need to brush him off with your hand, saying that this is nothing. Some things seem insignificant to an adult, and they make the child think that something is wrong with him. This often leads to the fact that children are withdrawn. Better to say that at his age it also worried you, caused fear or sadness. It is necessary to make it clear that absolutely all people go through this.
Parents blame and criticize
If your child makes a mistake and decides to tell you about it, you don't need to criticize or blame right away. Firstly, it will reduce self-esteem, and secondly, it will lead to the fact that the child will stop sharing what is happening to him altogether. Even if a certain action upset you, try to calmly talk about it so that the unpleasant situation never recurs. This will help build a strong relationship in which the child will not be afraid to ask for help or advice.
Mom and Dad do not coordinate their actions
Sometimes in families there are situations when one of the parents permits to do something, while the other categorically prohibits it. It must be remembered that all the rules, prohibitions and requirements must be agreed upon, the child must know and understand them. In this case, there will be no misunderstanding.