How To Teach A Child About Flowers

How To Teach A Child About Flowers
How To Teach A Child About Flowers

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Children grow and develop. Young mothers do not have time to look around, and the baby is already taking the first steps, says the first words. Along with other questions on the development of a child, one of the most important is how to teach to understand and distinguish colors.

How to teach a child about flowers
How to teach a child about flowers


Step 1

As much as you would like, your child will not instantly learn to distinguish colors. All skills and abilities are formed gradually. The main thing is that your activities with your child are systematic and regular.

Step 2

Start teaching your child to identify primary colors, starting with two, such as blue and red. Then you can add others to these colors one by one. Simple exercise - take 2 cubes: blue and red. Repeat the names of the colors of the blocks to the child several times. Then ask your child to name them themselves. Then let him show you himself - where is the red and where is the blue cube. After adding a few more red and a little blue cubes to the existing ones, ask the child to arrange them separately by color. Carry out the next lesson according to the same principle, only with other colors.

Step 3

When the child is good enough to navigate the colors, complicate the activities. From cubes of three different primary colors, let him first choose, for example, blue, then red, and then green.

Step 4

To diversify the lessons of learning and memorizing colors, you can draw on some of them. Give the child three markers in the primary colors, have him draw something, and then show you where the colors are in his drawing.

Step 5

Teach your child to see the colors that he knows in interior items, in book illustrations. Another complicated exercise for mastering colors: lay out different objects of blue and red color on the table (different geometric shapes are possible). Ask your child to divide these items into two color groups. If this task seems difficult for the baby for the first time, be sure to prompt and help him. In the future, the task will be even more difficult if you add a third color.

Step 6

When studying primary colors, don't forget about white. His children usually do not know well and do not distinguish in the pictures, since it is almost always the background color of the pictures.

Step 7

You can repeat the colors that you learned when you need to keep your child busy, for example, on a long trip in transport or in a queue at the hospital.
