How To Know If A Child Is Indigo

How To Know If A Child Is Indigo
How To Know If A Child Is Indigo

Table of contents:


Raising an indigo child is not easy. If it sometimes seems to you that your kid is older than you, if he can be completely unbearable and at the same time you understand that there is logic in his behavior, if he does not cope with simple school assignments, but writes poetry with ease - perhaps he is just one of indigo children.

How to know if a child is indigo
How to know if a child is indigo


Step 1

Indigos are children with an unusual perception of the world and special behavior. There are several specific indigo traits by which you can determine whether your child belongs to this "circle" or not. Indigos are born with a sense of their own worth, which does not mean that indigo children are arrogant or cocky. The fact is that when they are faced with new situations for themselves, they intuitively begin to act correctly. At the same time, they are absolutely confident in themselves, as if they have done this many times already.

Step 2

2. Indigos understand who they are. This is an amazing quality that ordinary children rarely possess. While most toddlers ask their parents, "Who am I?", Indigo children themselves are perfectly capable of answering this question. They are well aware that they are not like others.

Step 3

3. Indigos do not recognize absolute authorities. Indigo children need freedom of choice. They will not be able to communicate with those adults who impose their opinions, even if these adults are parents. Such children should be treated with respect, explain their position to them and invite them to determine their own actions.

Step 4

4. Indigos sometimes cannot do simple things. If Indigo children do not understand the significance of an action, they will not do it. Not out of stubbornness - they just have more important tasks. This usually applies to the most basic things, like washing your hands or waiting in line.

Step 5

5. Indigos struggle to survive in a system based on rules and discipline. One of the defining qualities of Indigo children is creativity. It manifests itself not only in creativity, but also simply in behavior, in the manner of performing certain actions. Unable to manifest this quality, indigo children are lost. This happens most often in schools, where adherence to a huge number of rules is the foundation of everything. Indigo children often offer simpler solutions to things that we are used to doing differently. Because of this, they do not develop relationships with teachers or parents, if the latter are too strict.

Step 6

6. Indigos have difficulty socializing. Indigo children find it difficult to socialize with other children. If there is no other “special” child in the neighborhood, then the indigo will prefer to stay away from the crowd of their peers. Kindergarten and school do not simplify, and often only complicate socialization, attaching the label "outcast" to the indigo child.

Step 7

7. Indigos do not accept punishment. There are two powerful ways to get an indigo child to stop doing something. The first is to simply turn his attention to something that seems more interesting to him. The second is to talk to him, first of all, to listen carefully to the child and only then speak to himself. Let him understand (and he is capable of it) why what he is doing is wrong.

Step 8

8. Indigos know perfectly well what they want. Indigo children understand what they want and do not hesitate to tell their parents about it. Try to think about the child's statements and, if possible, take them in the same way as if you were talking to an adult. After all, to an equal interlocutor you will not say “no” all the time simply because you don’t want to.
